Artist tags

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"Nuggets regret idol art styles anywhere"

↑ my way of remembering ↑
the questions

So, I was tagged again... Ooh! I feel so popular even though I'm not!! AnyWAyS, here's my answers and such;

1) What is your biggest regret (artistically)?

Not trying to draw males. I just recently forced myself to actually try drawing males (because of my crush (≧∇≦)‼︎). I never thought I would be good at it and convinced myself that I was a complete failure when it comes to males and to just flat out never-ever try to draw them, since the first time I really tried completely failed. Now, I actually really like drawing males, and even though this sounds cheesy, I love the challenge. I never said I'm good, though...

2) If you could be absolutely amazing at any art style, what would it be?

Okay, so... I don't really know if this counts, but I reeeeeaaaaallllyyyy want to be a professional doll repainter. Have you ever found yourself wading through endless videos and/or pictures of repainted dolls? I have! And I absolutely love it. I really wish I could repaint dolls like professionals do (so frickin gorgeous!!), and I even tried once! I ended up burning that... But, if that doesn't count, then I would love to be able to draw like Tim Burton. Now, I know! 'Those are claymations!', but I mean the art style that other artists use to transform Tim's clay artwork into drawings and painting. Or.... That one artist that I'm obsessing over but don't know the name of. Yeah, that one!

3) Do you have an art idol? If so, who?

Pretty much every professional doll repainter/Tim Burton artist/and that one girl who I don't know the name of. I also love Tim Burton himself. Genius!

4) Do you think your art will take you anywhere?

Honestly? I don't think so. I might get slightly popular on some social media site, but I don't think my art will ever be special. Unfortunately, my art is nothing unique. In the endless sea of rising artists, I'll just be a small whisper in the white noise. I don't and never will matter to most of the population if even my own city! A lot of people tell me that they're glad that they've met and become my friend because then they can brag about being my friend when I'm famous -- but they'll never get the chance. My art will not take me anywhere special, no matter how many stars I wish upon to do so.

Well! That was a cheery way to end this tagging session! Now for my five tags;


Now here's a great picture of a horse head selling a tv;

Now here's a great picture of a horse head selling a tv;

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