Bad news + no art = :'(

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I have some bad news; My parents didn't believe me when I tried to tell them the truth about something personal, and so they've taken away my phone, the TV, and the computer. Therefore, I cannot upload art, upload chapters in general, or celebrate 1k. 

My mother has also taken a lot of my art supplies, and a few of my notebooks. This also hinders my progression with art. I'm sorry for the delay, I'm not sure how long this will last.

I've notified you so you guys will (hopefully) understand why I'm no longer active, and won't be mad. 

With my time off, however, I will strive to keep art alive in my dreary everyday schedule. When this all passes, I will try to upload most of the art I've created.

That means that there's going to be a lot.

I have given you this information via sneaking and quick typing, so I hope that you'll understand and appreciate my attempt at quelling any confusion and/or negative feelings.

Anyways, this is my goodbye. 

- Goner

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