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I snagged some paper, finally

Ugh those eyebrows in the corner

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Ugh those eyebrows in the corner

Ugh those eyebrows in the corner

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So these kind of suck :P

So these kind of suck :P

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So finally, pencil. Pens are super hard to blend and shade with, iF YA DIDNT KNOW

This girl has space buns, if you couldn't tell.

This is a character I created long ago, she is my persona. This character is the closest character to me, because, well, she's me, but with an appearance that I've always wanted. Before, she had longer hair that was always down, and cat ears. I still imagine her with cat ears, but in this drawing, cat ears just seemed hard to do.
The reason she has roses growing from her eyes is because of a little story that explains her death;

  Milly sat upon the ledge of the building, watching the cities lights blink on and off as people's lives carried on. She couldn't decide if this was the night she wanted to die.
  Milly was a damaged girl. She had depression, boughts of severe anxiety, anorexia, a type of OCD and a ducked up mind.
  Obviously, she was quite suicidal. She had attempted suicide three times so far. The first was thwarted by a long enough pause to allow her aunt to call out to her for dinner. The second, well, she just passed out for a couple of hours. Then the third landed her in a hospital for a while.
  Milly swung her feet over the edge and breathed the crisp air in thankfully, letting out a puff of mist like a dragon.
  Off in her peripheral view, she noticed movement and turned.
  Standing on the edge of the building was a boy with blue eyes, light brown hair, a t-shirt revealing fresh cuts and tears streaming down his face.
  Her heart ached for him, and soon she realized that he was about to enact the biggest decision of his life.
  He must have not seen Milly, for as she stood and ran towards him, at her touch and strong "WAIT!", he screamed and pushed her away.
  Unfortunately, that push sent dear Milly over the edge. 
  And as Milly stared up at the boy, ever growing smaller, he covered his mouth in silent terror at what he had done.
  Milly eventually landed in a rose bush, but could not scream for help. Instead, the boy screamed for her;
  A sound piercing and chilling, which rang throughout the entire town. Each street poked their heads out the door to see the boy standing upon the tallest building on the top of the nearby hill. Each animal barked, mewed, sqwaked, squeaked, and roared. Even the trees seemed to shiver at the sound.
  After he ran home, he created a story and no one found Milly's body.
  So as she lay there, silently dying, she felt the roses begin to grow.
  Nourished by her blood, they pushed through her body and sprouted from her eye.
  From Milly's corpse rose roses (AHAH PUNS).
  Milly had become a flower pot, at last.

Okay, so this sucks but I wrote it a long time ago.

And, why they only grew through one eye?? I don't know


But yee, I just kind of polished her up a little. I was thinking about.. Well, I'm kind of sad so I was thinking about something and Milly's story popped into my head and I was like--


so I drew her

and viola



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