orz ☆彡

13 2 5

RANT AHEAD, beware//

So I guess you might have noticed, maybe, that I mentioned I cried this morning last, eh?
Well... It's true.
I climbed up the stairs from the basement, where I slept on the ground, and snuck out the back. It was 5:32 when I closed the back door behind me. I climbed up the rope ladder to my birdcage and watched the city wake up.
No one came out to look for me, when I went inside it was 8:50ish. I felt like shit.
Kinda still do.
So I did the tags because I thought it would help and because I had three to do. It just made me realize how flat my voice is when I read the words I'm typing in my head. It made me realize how unenthusiastic I am right now.
I don't know what to do and I'm supposed to be in the house entertaining this guy my mom hangs out with a lot, or making my friend happy (which is literally impossible. HolysHIT imnotgonnarantimnot-). How the hell am I supposed to go down there, into the mob if humans when my birdcage is so forgiving? It's amazing how an inanimate object so high in the sky can make you feel safe, y'know?
Woah. So I feel better.
Kind of.
The point was that I'm feeling really low and alone and I'm pretty upset.

I really don't want to be alive rn


Bye I guess
☆彡 plegh

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