Chapter 6

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Aaron's POV
I woke up and saw that Aph wasn't in bed so I looked around the house and saw her on the couch watching Fairy Tale and drooling all over Gray it was kinda funny so I went over to her and sat beside her. She said to me "Good morning, Aaron" and I said back "Morning, Babe". After that she shut off the TV and sat on my lap

(Aph-Aphmau, Aar-Aaron, Kate-Katelyn)

Aph: What do you wanna do today?
Aar: How 'bout we go to Olive Garden at lunch time
Aph: Okay, but what do you wanna do until then?
Aar: Umm....*Kisses Aph*
Aph: *Kisses back*
Kate: *Busts down the door and sees Aaron and Aph making out* Guys! Dante got tickets to Love Love~Paradise!!
Aaron: Pulls back from the kiss* Dante got what now?
Kate: He got tickets to Love Love~Paradise!
Aph: But how!
Kate: I don't know but we have to go now! *Grabs Aaron and Aph and takes them to the airport*

*Time skip to when they're at Love Love~Paradise! Why? I have no clue*

(Z-Zane, Kate-Katelyn, Aph-Aphmau, Aar-Aaron, Gar-Garroth, L-Lucinda, Guy-Guy~ed, KC- Kawaii~Chan, D-Dante (If there were more then I forgot))

Aar: We're here, guys!
Aph: I'm so excited!!!
D: Me too!!
Kate: I feel like we forgot something.. Wait! WE FORGOT TRAVIS!!!
Z: Everyone! Let's just forget that we forgot him and enjoy our vacation!
L: Yeah...I'm gonna have to-
Guy: Hello, everyone my name is Guy~ed and I'm gonna be your guide for the summer!!
Aaron and Aph: Can we share a room, Kate?
Kate: NO!
KC: Katelyn~Sama let Aphmau~Senpai and Aaron~Kun share a room together because it's Kawaii ~Chan's ship!!!! And she wants her ship to sail!!!!
Aaron and Aph: *Blushes bright red and goes to their room*

Narrator's POV

*Time skip to night! Because why not!*

Aaron and Aphmau were making out while Katelyn was asleep and Aaron grabbed the tip of her shirt then pulled it off and then she took off his swim trunks and he took off her shorts along with her undergarments and she took off his boxers then he put his member in her and she screamed and Katelyn woke up and ran into their room and yelled "APH WHY screaming..?!" Aph said "O-oh hey, Kate" Katelyn said "I KNOW I SAID TO NOT SHA-" Kawaii ~Chan comes in and said "Don't interfere with Kawaii~Chan's ship, Katelyn~Sama!" Then Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan leave and Aph and Aaron continue what they were doing. So Aaron waited until Aph felt good. A few minutes past and she nodded for him to move so he started to thrust in her and she moaned loud, so loud that everybody in the apartment heard her, so after they were done they put their Pjs back on and sat on their bed, then Garroth burst into their room yelling "WHY DID I HEAR MOANING IN HERE!?!?!" and Aph and Aaron said "You were dreaming, Garroth..." and Garroth then went back to bed and Aph and Aaron watched Anime the rest of the night

*Time skip to Morning! Because why the heck not!*

Aaron and Aphmau were asleep, Aph had her head on Aaron's chest and Aaron was just...sleeping, until Lucinda busted through the door and yelled "APHMAU, AARON, WAKE UP!!!!!" so they both jolted up and screamed "Okay, we're up, we're up!!" after that Lucinda left and Aaron and Aph got dressed in their swimming suits and went to the beach (in this story Aph knows how to swim) and they both swam until Sylvanna yelled "AARON GET AWAY FROM APHMAU!!!" so me and her got out of the water and after they got out they started to hold hands and Sylvanna noticed and Aph and Aaron ran like the wind and got to their room and locked the door

(Aph-Aphmau, Aar-Aaron, Syl-Sylvanna)

Aph: That was *pant* close
Aar: *pant* Yeah, it was...
Syl: AARON!!!!!!!
Aaron and Aph: Oh no!
Syl: *Busts down the door* AARON!!! You're...dead *she sees Aaron and Aph's suit cases on the floor next to each other and then Sylvanna screams* WHY ARE TWO SHARING A ROOM?!?!
Aph: Mom, it's just for the summer...
Syl: That's even worse!
Aar: *whispers to Aph* After she leaves you wanna have some fun?
Aph: *giggles* Sure, I'd love to, Aaron
Aar: *kisses her forehead*
Syl: What are you two talking about?
Aaron and Aph: Nothing!
Syl: *leaves the room and closes the door and stands outside of it listening*

So after she leaves Aaron starts to kiss Aph and she kisses back and Aaron grabs the tip of Aph's shirt and pulls it off then Aph pulls off Aaron's swim trunks and Aaron pulls off Aph's swimsuit and he puts Aph on the bed and then puts his member in Aph and she screams out of pain and Sylvanna just stays outside the door, and after a few minutes Aph nods for Aaron to move and he thrusts slowly at first, then Aph says "F-faster!" and Aaron thrusts faster and faster at inhumane speeds and Aph moans so loud that Sylvanna got mad and busted down the door and yells "AARON WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY MIJHA?!" and she sees that they're having sex so she slowly backs out regretting going in their room
So Aaron and Aph finish and get their swimsuits back on and visit Sylvanna

(Aar-Aaron, Aph-Aphmau, Er-Eric, Syl-Sylvanna)

Aar: *knocks on Sylvanna's door* Sylvanna?
Er: *Opens the door* Hello, who are you?
Aph: Eric?
Er: Aphmau?
Aar: *extremely confused*Okay
Er: It's Aphmau!
Syl: *comes downstairs and tells Aphmau and Aaron to come in*
Aar: So
Aph: Mom, me and Aaron are dating (they're sitting in Sylvanna and Eric's Temporary Living room)
Aar: And she- I mean, I really wanted to have sex with her....
Aph: *blushes bright red and lays her head on Aaron's shoulder*
Syl: Mijha?
Aph: Yes, Mom..
Syl: Did you agree to you and him having sex?
Aph: Yes
Syl: Good...I didn't want this to be put of force and he hurting you
Aar: What?! I would never hurt, Aph!
Aph: *she passionately kisses Aaron*
Aar: *kisses back but pulls back a and whispers in Aph's ear* Not here, Babe
Aph: *she whispers back* Okay, at the apartment after we leave?
Aar: Yes, um Sylvanna, we gotta go and help Kawaii~Chan make cookies
Syl: Okay, bye
Aaron and Aph: *leaves and go to their apartment and then to their room*

So after Aphmau and Aaron came back from Sylvanna and Eric's apartment they went to their room and started to make out then Kawaii~Chan busted through their door and yelled "KAWAII~CHAN'S COOKIES ARE DONE, APHMAU~SENPAI AND AARON~KUN!!!" then she saw them making out and screamed like hell but Aphmau and Aaron didn't stop and continued making out and Katelyn ran to KC and said "Kawaii~Chan, what's wrong?!" Kawaii~Chan said back "Aphmau~Senpai and Aaron~Kun are making out!!!" Katelyn yelled "WHAT?!" so she looked at Aaron and Aphmau then....


Sorry about not posting for a few days I was working on this page

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