Chapter 12: Five years later?!

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5 years later in Aaron's dream

Aph: Earth to Aaron!
Aar: Huh? *Shakes his head*
Aph: Welcome back to Earth
Aar: =_= Seriously, Babe, I just spaced out
Alina: Mommy, Daddy!!
Aph: *Picks up Alina* Aaron, you gotta stop spacing out like that
Kate: *Busts down the door* LUCINDA IS IN LABOR!!! (In this part of the chapter Lucinda and Laurence are together)
Aar: Wait, she's pregnant?
Alina: Daddy, have you been living under a rock?
Kate: You gotta sassy kid
Aph: Katelyn, take Alina to the hospital to see Lucinda, I need to have a little chat with, Spaced-out over there *Winks at Aaron*
Aar: Hey- oh I know what your thinking
Kate: *Takes Alina* You guys spend too much time together *leaves*
Aph: Now, Aaron you need to stop spacing out or while we do something together you won't be able to hear me talk (Give me some bleach so I can bleach my ears, that was just weird or kill me, idc)
Aar: I try my best, Babe *Pulls her against him and looks down at her*
Aph: Well, now we wouldn't want you to space out while we're having fun, now would we?
Aar: Nope *kisses Aph*
Aph: *Kisses back and puts her arms around his neck deepening the kiss*
Aar: *Picks up Aph and takes her to their room and lays her on their bed*
Aph: *Takes off his pants, since he doesn't wear a shirt like ever*
Aar: Going fast, now are we? *Takes off her shorts and undergarments*
Aph: Hehe *blushes realizing what he just did*
Aar: *Looks down at her inner thighs and back at her*
Aph: Go ahead, I don't mind~
Aar: *Licks her inner thighs as she moans loudly*
Aph: AARON~!! *Releases into his face*
Aar: *Licks it all off and sits up and looks down at his briefs and blushes*
Aph: Huh? *looks at his briefs*
Aar: *Takes off his briefs*
Aph: *Grabs his member and licks the tip*
Aar: aahh, A-Aph~

*Timeskip to when Katelyn is back from the hospital*

Kate: Okay-
Aph: My Irene, Aaron *Moans*
Alina: What's Daddy and Mommy doing?
Kate: Um, do you wanna visit Sylvanna?
Ali: Yeah!!
Aar: *stops* Huh? Alina? Shit...Aph, Alina- *The front door slams*
Aph: I think Kate heard us and she's taking her to see Mom
Aar: *Shrugs his shoulders* At least we can do this longer
Aph: Good point
Aph: AARON!!
Aar: *Wakes up* I'm up!

Aph's POV
Aaron keeps saying stuff, that I never hear him say, in his sleep *Shakes him* "AARON!!"

Aar: I'm up!
Aph: Aaron, who were you dreaming about?
Aar: You, of course
Aph: Who's Alina?
Aar: I don't exactly know, she kept saying to us "mommy, daddy!" and it was really weird
Aph: But, we don't have kid...yet
Aar: what time is it?
Aph: *Looks at her phone* Um..12:36
Aar: Fuck, I'm late, I'll just have to stay home, I guess
Kate: *Busts down the door* Aph, Aaron!!
Celestia: *bites Katelyn's ankle*
Kate: ow, what the hell?!
Aar: *Runs downstairs* Kate, what the fuck?! Why the door, you could've went through the window you know, it was open, or knocked on the door like a normal person
Aph: Hun, she's not normal, nobody is normal in this neighborhood
Aph and Aaron: She's pregnant?! By who?
Kate: Dante *Grabs them and they head to the hospital*
Aar: *sits in the back with Aph and they make out* (🎵Make out in the backseat, woo!!🎵)
Kate: Oh come on, don't take off his pants, Aph, not in the car
Aar:*Takes off her shorts*
Aph:*Takes off his pants*
Kate: Cut it out back there, I don't need to know how babies are made from you two *They arrive at the hospital*
Aph and Aaron: We're staying in here
Kate: Whatever, FYI, Kim and her Baby are riding with us, so you guys better clean up before they come ou- there they are
Aph: OH, COME ON! *puts on her shirt and shorts on*
Aar: *Puts a blanket over them and he puts on his briefs and pants*
Kim: *Opens the door and put the baby in the car seat and then closes the door and gets in the passenger seat*
Aph: Oh my Irene, it's a baby, Aaron, I want one of my own
Kim: Hello to you guys too
Aar: *Kisses Aph passionately*
Aph: *Kisses back deeply and lovingly*
Kate: They've been like that since we got into the car
Kim: Oh well
Aph: *Squeaks* A-Aaron, why'd you do that
Aar: You just taste so good I thought I'd try to eat your neck
Kim: Okay, now that's weird
Kate: Mhm *Drives*
Aar: Aahh~
Kim: *Looks back and sees Aph licking Aaron's member then grabs her kid* Um..can we drop them off at their house?
Kate: *Drives to Aph and Aaron's house* Aaron, Aph get our please
Aar: *Puts his Jeans on and picks up Aph and grabs their stuff, he covered her with that blanket*

What's gonna happen? Is Katelyn never gonna take Aph and Aaron places again or is she gonna forgive them just because Aaron just wanted Aph? Find out in the next episode of Pokèmon GO

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