Chapter Five

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Ever since I was a child, I wanted to belong. Being born ungifted, I grew up knowing that I didn't belong anywhere. I was taken from my parents, who probably were disgusted that they bore an ungifted child. Sahil lied to me and Anahi used me, both examples proving that I didn't belong with them. Do I belong here? Arlo said these people were my kind, but these people also want to use me. They want me to fight for their cause, one I'm not sure I believe in. Would they ever truly accept me and treat me as one of their own, or will I always be a pawn to them?

I look around the round table, staring at the same people that were here yesterday. I woke up today with no clue as to what I should do. I stand in front of them now, and feel equally part scared and part angry. My fingers tremble from the attention, but I swallow the nerves down. I can't be scared forever.

"If I join your cause, what would you have me do?" I speak directly to Tulsa.

"You would give us intel on Sahil and we would prep you for taking the throne."

"What if I don't want the throne?" I don't want to be in power, I'd rather take a place in the background.

"We believe you are the best for the throne. Anahi has told us nothing but good things about you and I truly believe you are fit for the throne."

"I am not meant to be a ruler. I think I want to help, but I can't take the throne."

"Why not?" Tulsa looks interested in the answer so I tell her the truth. "I hate being stared at and I hate bossing people around. I also don't want to be corrupted by power."

"We'll be with you every step of the way; you don't have to be scared."

I tighten my hands, "I will not be forced into this. If you want my help, you must accept what I'll give."

Arlo looks as if he wants to say, I told you so, but keeps his mouth shut. Tulsa looks a little angry with me, "Who shall replace Sahil, if not you?"

"Is it not obvious?" I ask. "Princess Anahi, she is perfect for the role. She loves the spotlight and she's fearless." Suddenly her scream from the other day echoes in my head, "Well, not exactly fearless, but she should rule."

Tulsa says no, immediately turning my suggestion down. "She's a United-we don't want a Gifted ruler in charge."

I huff, "Why not Arlo, then? Or Winn-he seems real nice."

"Arlo is already in line for the Southern throne. As for Winslow, he isn't a fighter and most definitely not a ruler." Arlo as a ruler? I mean, I know I suggested it, but he seems to fit the throne even less than I do. As for Winslow, "I like Winn, he seems nice enough to be a ruler."

"But you don't know Winslow." Tulsa has a point.

"What makes him incapable of ruling the Northern Society?"

"Winslow has emerald eyes, that makes him unfit to rule in the North."

Curious, I ask, "What about the Eastern Society?" I don't bother to mention that I'm the only Northern Ungifted child-they already know that. I understand now, why they are so adamant on me being the Northern ruler.

"That is for Winslow to answer."

"Fine, but I do not want to rule. I understand that you want to correlate the rulers with the societies element, but when it comes to the Northern Society, you're going to have to make an exception. I will join your cause and help in every other way possible, but I cannot take the throne." I sit down then, the stares forcing me into the chair.

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