Chapter Nineteen

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Arlo and I sit in the center of my room, on the floor, discussing potential ideas for what to do next. Obviously we can't allow for Desmond to take the Western throne or allow him to force anyone else to rule. Nome is another issue that raises a lot more problems. We both agree that Nome is too young for the throne and him being Desmond's son is...complicating things.

Desmond plans on attacking the East in a few weeks, and once that happens, he will place Nome on the throne. I rub my temple, fighting off a headache, "We need to check in with Nome and see how he feels about being a ruler. I'm not even sure he knows that Desmond is planning on putting him in power."

"Do you think Desmond has told him about being his father yet?" Arlo questions. I squish my lips the right, thinking it over, and say, "I'm not sure."

Arlo's face suddenly scrunches up, "What are we going to do to stop Desmond?" I backtrack to the original part of Desmond's plan, "Replacing the rulers was a clever plan of his, so I think we should continue with it." I look at the confused look on Arlo's face and explain my idea further, "I mean, we can still replace the rulers, but with people who want to and should rule. People that will make decisions based on what's good for everyone and not just what's good for Desmond."

Arlo rubs his hands together, "That could work, it would destroy Desmond's plans and also benefit the Ungifteds. We can still have ungifted rulers to help improve our situation and treatment."

A flaw in my plan burns a hole through my world, "But who to rule? The people need rulers who will put aside their own selfish desires and put the needs of the people first. Every society needs a selfless ruler, but I'm afraid the world is running low on selfless individuals." I give Arlo a look of complete deliberation, "Would you still like to take the throne?" Arlo is amazingly perfect for the role, even if he doesn't know it yet. Desmond may have chosen him for selfish reasons, but I'm choosing him because of who he is.

"I'm not sure I'm right for the job," Arlo says cautiously. I glance away, trying not to force him, but enlighten him that he is right for the job. I think I've found the right words, so I say, "I believe that you are fully capable of ruling, but I'm not going to force you to take the throne."

"Why me?" he asks. Pink paints his cheeks, showing his embarrassment, but he continues on, "Is it because of my eyes?" I smile softly, "I would put a green-eyed person on the Southern throne if you asked me ."

He doesn't look convinced, so I put a hand on his, and explain what I see in him, that he doesn't see in himself. "But to answer your question, you've spent your whole life training to help your people. You chose to train and to fight for your people. You didn't do this for selfish desires, but more than that you didn't do all of this out of revenge. A gifted killed your brother, but instead of tarnishing his memory with revenge, you honored it by doing the right thing. You could've marched into the South and killed every gifted you saw, but you didn't. There's so much good in you, that you do not see yourself. It's time to look in a mirror and look beyond the red eyes. You're not just some ungifted child, you are a man who didn't let life's cruelty make you heartless. A weak man allows the world to crush him, but a strong man never lets the world consume him. You are a strong man, Arlo. You didn't let the world dictate who you are, but instead, you are who you are because of the world."

Arlo gives me a long, thoughtful look and says, "It's crossed my mind," Arlo says. Caught off guard, my head flinches back, "What has?" I ask.

"Marching into the South and killing anyone who lays a hand on an ungifted." I would be scared if he didn't sound so...sad. I give Arlo a thoughtful look of my own and confess to him a little secret. "Killing Desmond has crossed my mind a few times, but I know that I would never actually kill him. Thinking something and doing something are polar opposites. My thinking about killing Desmond is just an emotional response to what he's done to me, but I know I'll never act on my emotions. If I acted on my emotions, I would be careless and I can't be careless. I have to think of all the consequences and what's wrong and what's right." I make my voice as convincing as possible, "A good person can have a bad thought."

It's a long while before Arlo speaks up again, "I'll do it." My hand tightens on his and my smile is radiating. "You'll be a great ruler," I tell him. He gives me a wary smile and says, "so, what about the other two thrones?"

"Good question," I tell him, but I do have an answer for half of his question. "I believe that Winn would be great for the Eastern throne. He's caring and considerate, and very approachable."

Arlo takes my words into consideration before saying, "If Winslow agrees to it, then I think it's a great idea. Now all we need is someone for the Western throne."

I sigh, "The only ungifteds from the West that I've actually met are Fizza and Sterling, but I barely know them. I don't know anything about them or their character." I bite my lip and my eyes trail over Arlo's face. "What about you, any ideas?" Surely he will have a person in mind, he grew up surrounded by ungifteds.

Arlo purses his lip in concentration. "You know," he says. "I do have one person in mind." 

"Who?" I ask when he doesn't elaborate.

"She's an old woman, but her years have made her wise and kindhearted. She was my caretaker when I was younger, but now she is a spokesman-she goes around looking for gifteds to join our cause."

"What's her name?" I ask.

"Her name is Jumana and I can set up a rendezvous so you can meet her and judge for yourself. But, I promise you, she would be a more than adequate ruler for the Western society."

"Okay, I can't wait to meet her." This will be such a weight off my shoulders-that is if it all works out. Now that we have our potential list of rulers, we have to discuss our timing.

I uncross my legs and rack my brain, thinking of my hectic schedule. "We only have a couple weeks before Desmond sends an army to the East so we have to beat him to the throne. I have the Welcoming Ceremony and the trials and then meeting after meeting for the next couple years, so we have to find a way around my duties as ruler." I don't see how this is going to work. I definitely need to go to the trails because if I don't, Desmond will surely endorse executions and I cannot let that happen.

"I will have to skip one of my meetings, but the second Desmond notices that I'm not going to show up, he'll know somethings up. We have to keep this quiet because if Desmond so much as suspects us of foul play, he will kill us."

At that, Arlo stands in a rush, "I don't think he would go that far." Nervous, I trail my hand through my hair, "We still shouldn't risk it." I don't mention that he already risked my life-he could've killed me when he had his men push me onto the throne.

"Okay, how about this," Arlo says. "You go to all of your meetings and do the trials. Then we should leave for the East right after the trials. I will set up a meeting with Jumana a couple days before the trials."

That sounds good, but... "How are we going to get Winn here? Or Nome? I really want to talk to him before we go through with all of this."

Arlo stands and lowers a hand for me. I take the hand he offered and he helps me to my feet. His smile is hesitant at first, but soon it's overtaking his face. His eyes light up my room, painting the walls a ruby shade, "I will figure all the details out and you can focus on ruling." I give him a smile that matches his own and we stare foolishly at each other.

After a while, Arlo laughs and makes his way to my door. I bite my lip to stop from asking him to stay. When his hand finds the knob, I steel myself for something I can ask.

"Before you go, there was something I wanted to ask you." I feel my cheeks heat up as Arlo turns to look at me, "Yeah?"

I ignore my anxiety and talk. "Tomorrow is my Welcoming Ceremony and I was wondering if you'd be my date."

He sends me a sheepish grin and says, "I would love to be your date." I smile brightly, "Thank you." I usher him out the door and watch as he leaves.

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