Meeting You was a Dream

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Eren's p.o.v

I noticed her right away... everyone was distracted with their own training or the better person beside them. But I could see her by herself... she was different. With swift movements jumping midair as if she had wings... Gracefully cutting into the titan Dummy. Only for a moment... I saw her smile, the smile of an angel! She was proud of her skills and she knew she was good at what she does.
After being distracted from her quiet presence, I did my part in training as well.
Later that day when training was over everyone went to their dorms. I washed my face and met up with Mikasa and Armin.
"Hey guys! How was training?"
"Good..." Mikasa mumbled.
"I need to work more on my maneuvering, and balance... besides that it was easy" Armin said.
We had a good dinner together like we usually did. I went back to my dorm and changed into my sleepwear and lay in bed... I recalled my purpose for wanting to become a soldier and made sure not to forget what happened in wall Maria. But... every night, since I first laid eyes on her. She was the last person I thought about.

----- ------

A year has passed since Eren had laid his eyes on you, a full year... and most of your fellow trainee mates didn't know of your existence. You didn't talk to anyone. Sometimes a girl named Annie conversed with you. She was very mature and skilled in hand to hand combat. Most of the time you felt like someone was watching you. It wasn't weird or creepy or anything. It just made you somewhat uncomfortable.
You decided to look at your surroundings.... normally you wouldn't pay attention to other people. You kept to yourself and rarely made any eye contact. While learning how to refill your maneuvering gear with gas, you took quick looks at people around you. Beside you there was a blonde young boy; quickly knowing how to put things together. And to your right there was a girl that looked somewhat tired and drooling from her mouth. She caught eyes with you and immediately jumped towards you. She grabbed onto the collar of your jacket.
"Hey!! What're you?-"
You were alarmed at this girls actions, thinking she was going to hit you. You stuffed an old piece of bread in her mouth. That you mysteriously pulled out of your pocket. She let go of your collar and began to eat the bread in a beastly manner.
You watched her in surprise and thought how odd it was. After she was done she thanked you for your kindness. Then, she continued to put parts together on her flying gear. You decided to look elsewhere, your eyes seen green ones. Somehow they seemed to be tranced on you. Noticing that it was Eren Jaeger, you looked away... But, you decided to look again, he was talking to one of his friends.

-------- -------- Time skip ----
the next day

After today you showered and got dressed you walked towards the tables they served the food and water. Usually you woke up earlier than everyone else, but today you decided to sleep in another 30 minutes. When you grabbed your water and burnt toast, you sat at the end table. Usually where no one sat.
More people started to enter the building, you were about to eat your toast, and suddenly someone took it from your hands and ate it. You looked at the person and it was the same girl that ate the bread you stuffed in her mouth.
"Um..." you didn't know what to say.
"Thanks for the food! I ate mine already, but I was still hungry so I ate yours." The girl calmly said.
"No problem?" You replied scratching your head with a small smile.
"Hmm... I have never seen you around before? Are you a new recruit?" She asked curiously.
"No. I've been here for a year now." You said calmly.
" what!!! Really? You are such a nice person how come I've never met you before!? Wait what's your name?"
"My name is (y/n)..." you smiled at her and drank some of your water.
"Well, I'm Sasha! I think you know that already... but, I should introduce you to my friends!" Sasha said with excitement.
After meeting to girls... Krista and Ymir you both walked to the training grounds. Listening to your commander and trained in pairs. After 4 hours of training you both walked together to the building that served food. When you both got your food she led you to a table by a blonde boy and blacked haired girl.
"Hey guys, I want to introduce you to my new friend." Sasha said while you both sat down.
"Hello... my name is (y/n)... nice to meet you." You said looking at the girl and blonde boy.
"Hello (y/n) my name is Armin and this is Mikasa. I've seen you around before... but never got the chance to meet you? Since you were friendly with Annie I thought you were... hmm how would I say it... like her? She is kind of distant." Armin said.
Armin was friendly to you. Mikasa was very quiet, eating her food.
"I see..." you smiled and ate your food as well
"Eren should be here?" Mikasa said quietly.
"There he is!" Sasha said mouth full of bread.
"Eren! Over here!" Armin yelled waving his hand in the air.
Eren looked over at Armin and smiled.

--- Eren's Pov. ----
I heard Armin call for me so I looked over at him, I smiled and took my glass of milk and soup over to the table. When I sat down beside Mikasa, Sasha started talking to me.
"Eren I want you to meet my friend her name is (y/n)!" Sasha said pulling the mysterious person closer to her.
When I saw who it was I started coughing on my milk.
"What the hell Eren? That's so rude!?"Sasha said petting (y/n)'s head. Mikasa gave me a napkin and I looked at her again. Seeing her up close was different. Her eyes were (e/c) and she had smooth skin. She was looking at me...
"Hi (y/n), how are you? "I said... it came out weird though. However, this is my first time speaking to her.
"I'm good... Eren. "(y/n) said smiling a little at me scratching her head. This is the first time she said my name. After months of wanting to talk to this girl it's happening now... she is more than what I expected. I couldn't stop looking at her. The way she blushed and sat in a formal way. Her eyes were very beautiful. When she looked at me it was like she seen through my soul.
"Well I'm going to get ready for the next part of training" (y/n) said
"Since its hand to hand combat training want to fight with me?" I said. Maybe this way I could feel her touch. She usually trained with Annie.
"Yeah, that sounds great! It would be nice to changes things once in a while. "(y/n) said happily.
I could feel a blush forming on my cheeks so i got up fast and put my dirty bowl and cup with the other piled up ones.
While Sasha and (y/n) walked together to the training grounds I decided to call her over. When she looked over at me she turned back at Sasha and waved. Then she jogged over towards me.
"Well... Eren, want to warm up?" She said stretching her arms.
"Yeah, I'll go easy on you!" I said while I started to stretch too.

-----Regular Pov------and time skip---

After their training everyone ate dinner and went to their dorms.
"Woah (y/n) were even in the same dorm and I still never met you!" Sasha said.
You knew though that because feeding her the bread and becoming your friend things will change for you. Deep down you didn't like to be alone. You did like to show off in front of people. Before joining, you were good at fighting since you had to fend for yourself. But, you ran into the wrong person and was beat up left to die. That's when you decided to become a recruit...

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