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It had been like 30 minutes into the flight. She was so elated that she was going to make it home to her family before Christmas. She loved the Christmas cheer and merry, well, who didn't. Especially when everybody was sitted around the decorated tree busy opening their presents. She loved the smiles and laughter, most of all, she missed her husband and daughter so much. It had been over a month now and she badly wanted to get home and have a good time with her family. She smiled at her seven year old son, who was sat next to her picking on a sandwich. He was complaining that it did not have enough jam on it.

"It's okay sweerie," she says, smiling sweetly at him. "When we get home,I promise you that you'll have lots and lots of jam on that. You'll enjoy it as well,for now, just eat it."

"Mommy," he calls looking at her with innocent milky white eyes.

"When will you take me to the table again? I really loved it. It was fuuun!" He chirped flapping his hands in the air.

"Jamie, the Table Mountains you mean? I will take you there. Only if you behave well, so you can get a ride in the cableway up to the top and then back down and see the beautiful view up there. That's for good boys only." She tells him, squeezing his nose softly in a loving manner.

"Am a good mommy's boy," he smiled softly at her, circling his arms around her left one." I want to go with princess next time. So after we can have lots and lots of ice cream together." He says animatedly widening his hands.

"Sure baby boy, I will take you there with your sister next time. Now finish your meal and get some rest,mommy will wake you up when we get home."

Looking at her sleeping son,she was glad he went through his surgery successfully without any complications. The poor little thing didn't even know what illness he was suffering from. She thought.
She was distracted from her thoughts by an announcement. It happened that they were experiencing difficulties on air and were advised to adjust themselves into brace position. They were going to have a crash landing. Afraid, she fastened her seatbelt, stepped flat on the floor and scooped Jamie from his seat. She placed him on her laps and fastened the infant safety belt around him. It had a loop that connected with her belt.
As she was sitted over the wing by the window, she looked through the glass. She could see the mountains.They were flying over the Amphitheatre. Strangely,outside there was smoke. She wished she was mistaken and that was mild fog or some mist.
The pilot was now losing control, the plane yawed on air, pitching nose up then slamming down and bouncing up again thus making an incredible impact causing it to shake in the process. The turbulence was strong. Panic gripped everyone on board,you could hear blood cuddling screams and guttural cries. She prayed so hard in her heart, looking into her terrified son's eyes she assured him they would soon be alright.
Out of fear, he started crying, she hushed him, he snuggled onto her bossom seeking some motherly protection. She closed her eyes and a tear dropped. She didn't want to crash, not with her son and definitely not before she saw her husband and daughter again.

Just then there was a boom,like the plane bumped onto something. Then a crunch, the starboard wing was trapped between the branches of a tree. It was sheered off level and the plane completely lost balance. They were now free falling at 280mph above the 172mph normal landing speed from 10000ft, almost the height of the Drakensberg. The plane now qickly flying lower,she could see shadows of trees on the window. It was pitching nose down at a neck breaking speed with no balance at all,almost nose diving into the mountain. Instead, the port wing hit the side cliff,starting a fire. Apparently the wing fuel had ignited after a short circuit. A ball of burning fuel flew over the passengers' heads melting anything on it's way. There were screams everywhere as a burning smell was emitted in the air.

She said her last prayer now holding onto her son as the plane broke into sections each being thrown viciously by the wind into different directions. Each section was burning up and seats were pulled off their places throwing burnt bodies everywhere. She screamt as the fire made it's way over her body consuming her and her son. He was screaming in pain. She loathed to hear her son's screams knowing the pain he underwent, yet she could do nothing. Looking into his eyes, they showed his pain, she felt compassion for him.

"Am sorry baby. I love you so much." She muttered in pain,in between tears then kissed his forehead.

She held onto her son, screaming as the excruciating pain rushed all over her body due to the fire making its way into and all over their flesh, until they both were no more than debris and ashes.

HiS  RoSeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora