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Monday was a busy day for everyone and Sir Horace Ross was no exception. He was equally a busy man on Mondays. As he drove to his office, he turned on the radio.

"Oh! Love ballards!" He exclaimed.

They were the kind of songs he and Alexis, his late wife, loved listening to.

"If only she were still with me, my life would be fun once more. Going with her to the movies on Friday nights would still be our thing. Then the shopping and dates,how she loved to swim on Saturday afternoons. Even her insistence on us attending Sunday services was pretty much fun and cute just sitting beside her in the pews holding hands as we listened to the sermons." He murmured to himself, a far away look in his eyes.

"Oh Alexis, how I still love and miss..."


He stepped on his brakes as fast n hard as he could and the car came to a sudden halt. In no time he had rushed out to the rescue of the lady he almost knocked down during his delusional moment.

"Am sorry ma'am. I really am." He apologised profusely as he helped pick the hand bag she had let go in a moment's panic.

"It's fine. At least it didn't come to the worst. I'll be on my way now so my boss doesn't find a reason to throw tantrums about my reporting late." She said, exhibiting a small smile on her lips, politely taking her bag from him.

"Which street are you headed ma'am? I could make up for my mistake by dropping you at work." He said apologetically.

"East-end street. Don't worry, am almost there. It's just around the corner anyway."

"Actually am headed there too."

"I'll be fine Sir."

"I insist," he said, opening the passenger door for her.

"Fine Mr.Sweet Tooth. You are really good at convincing." She laughed it off, climbing in.

"Sweet tooth??Really?" He asked her climbing into the car as loud beeps came from the vehicles caught in the jam they had just caused.

"Oh my God!! That impatience!" He muttered raising his eyebrows as he started the engine.

"They have places to go you know. Work to do. We just delayed them somehow." She defended.

"I know. Am a busy man too." He said rolling his eyes making her laugh.
"What premises am I dropping you at?"

"Paidge hotel."

"Owwh!! The famous five star we all want a taste of it's delicacy."

"Yeah that famous five star."

"Sure. I hope I didn't spoil your morning though."

"You did," she said making him frown.

"What's going to really make up for the damage so I can do exactly that?"

"It's okay really. You just made up for it with this ride and making me laugh somehow."

"Am glad to hear that I made you laugh on a Monday morning."

"You did."

"Here we are Mrs..."

"McCandless. Alison McCandless."

"Sure Mrs. McCandless. We just arrived in about 3 minutes. Your boss won't have any reason to be angry at you." He said, pulling into the hotel's driveway.

"No he won't. Thanks Sir." She said, getting out of the car through the door he had opened for her.

"It's Horace Ross."

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