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"Earth to you."

She was distracted from her thoughts by a rather so happy voice and the snapping of fingers. Then a huge hand waved directly in her face trying to get her attention. She blinked repeatedly trying to focus her vision on the figure that was sat before her. Her mind couldn't register who it was but she trained her eyes into observing him.

His eyes were flashing with excitement. Soft wrinkles of happiness  evident in the corners, They were deep brown. She noticed. The colour of hot chocolate, hickory as much. His eyelashes were long and eyebrows thick. He had a square jaw, she could tell by the outline of his cheeks. He was lean and judging from how he sat, she could tell he was tall. He looked awkwardly so cheerful she wondered what could actually excite anyone during such a cold season. She was practically freezing and there was nothing to celebrate about it. His knuckles were tightly clutching onto the handle of the cup he was holding. They seemed strong and tracing his hands all the way to where his coat covered them, she could only imagine  thick biceps underneath his coat. Then they opened up, letting go of the cup on the table and making their way towards her.

"Heeeyyy." She was distracted again this time with a little shake on both her arms.

*He is handsome and sweet* Her subconscious pointed out.

As if in response, her pitch black solemn eyes searched his face, a tiny wrinkle formed on his forehead when he raised his eye brows. It made him look cute. Her eyes darted back to his, they locked on like magnets. His drew her in, they were whispering to hers, "come on in beautiful". Before she knew it she was getting lost in them, and when  he pouted, she swallowed hard.
*God!! His lips are full and deep pink and kissable.* Her subconscious  wondered in amazement.
She found herself leaning in, and then he blinked, breaking the spell.

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