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Layla – 8 years old

I was laying down on the porch swing outside my house, the June sun shone brightly warming my legs that wasn't covered by the shorts I was wearing. I was holding a book in front of me, my eyes reading each word as I felt myself being captured deep inside Harry Potter's world.

Suddenly a shadow loomed over me making me cast my eyes away from the words I was reading. I looked up and a big smile settled upon my lips when I saw my dad sending me one of his lovely fatherly grin. His dark brown hair somehow become brighter form the sparks of the sun.

He grabbed my book and shut it close, his brown eyes glittered with excitement and happiness. "Get up, I have a surprise for you."

"What?" I smiled eagerly, lifting myself up until I was sitting properly.

He held out his hand and without hesitation I took it.

"I don't want to ruin the surprise, just come with me."

And going with him I did. With my hand being wrapped around his big and warm one, he lead both of us to his car. Holding the Harry Potter book – which I had quickly snatched away from my dad's hand- close to my chest, my smile widen even more. There is no way I was leaving my precious book alone outside the porch of our house. For twenty minutes we drove, my window was pulled halfway down making the wind have perfect access to blow my brown hair back.

Finally after a while the car came to a halt. I lowered my head down to look at what was in front of us under my dark eyelashes. My eyes widen as I looked back at my dad, but he was already out of the car and coming to my side.

He opened my car door and held out his hand. "C'mon princess."

We were parked outside a shop. Not any shop. But the kind of shop that sold phones, computers, a store full of technological items and the best part......cameras.

I felt excitement rise within me as I jumped form my seat, little to fast making my dad chuckle lightly. I blushed and took his hand as we walked inside the store. I held my book protectively to my side as my eyes gazed on each item. But my eyes was glued on the camera section. My fingers itched to touch each one of them.

My dad saw my pleading eyes and he quickly lead us there. I slipped my hand away from his and went ahead to look at the different models, watching them with amazement. From the corner of my eye I saw my dad talking to one of the workers.

I wanted one. So badly. A camera that was only mine. That I can call mine.

I zoned out all the noises and pictured myself with one of these cameras. I pictured an older version of me, of Layla. Sitting inside her messy yet comfortable office, with a computer in front of her typing away, papers and books laying over the wide table and my own camera at one side. A perfect journalist. Not only would I write world news but I would also take my own pictures. Journalist and Photojournalist. I could make it work. Traveling, taking photos, writing and learning.

One day.

Perhaps a husband that would love me just as my dad loves my mother – a husband that would remind me of my own dad - and maybe small children will make it into my picture.....

The thought made me blush.

I shook my head. You are too young to think of that, Layla.

"Layla, what do you think of this one? This one is apparently the best one." Dad spoke from behind me.

Looking behind me I saw a camera being placed on a high table, the worker with a red shirt smiled down at me. Father was gesturing for me to come.

And I did. Again little to fast. I looked up at my dad and leading towards him and whispered in a low tone so the man with the red shirt couldn't hear. "Dad, are you going to buy me a camera?"

He leaned down and whispered back. "Every journalist needs a camera."

Half an hour later we were back inside the car but this time I was holding a brand new average size package on my lap. The big picture of my chosen black camera was printed on the side of the package making me sigh dreamily.

"Do you like it, Layla?"

"I love it, dad. Thank you so much." I happily said before an idea jumped in front of my head. "I want my first photo with this camera be of me and you."

My dad grinned and took the small box from me. The car was still parked outside the store which allowed him to use his car keys to rip the tape around it apart. I watched as he opened the package fully and lifted the camera up. Quickly I snatched the memory card inside the small bag which we brought along with the camera and gave it to dad. Twenty minutes later my dad had switched the camera on and made sure everything worked perfectly fine before he handed it to me.

He might as well handed me gold and silver.

This was better than gold and silver.

This was my camera.

I touched it with my bare hands, the feeling of nearly fainting was close to envelop my body. But I resisted and took in every passing moment. I brought the camera up and looked at the small glowing screen. Beautiful. Perfect.

With a grin I switched the screen until it showed the full view of myself and not what was in front of me.

"Dad, come near. I'm going to take my first picture."

I stretched my arms out as my dad neared the side of his head to mine and together we smiled up at the camera. The screen showed a perfect picture of two loving people. Father and daughter.


And that picture has never been deleted even to this day. 


I have been wanting to show you this side of Layla for such a long time, and it's finally here! You think this side of Layla still exist? Hmm?

Hope you liked this chapter, I just wanted to show you all the bond between her and her father.

Now, next chapter please....*scrolls down*

Love's Like A War ( Love Like Series #3 )Where stories live. Discover now