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'Are you certain this is the right house?' Raen asked staring at the crooked window of the small house. The Sun was out and waving high, it was a hot midday. The house was made of wood, trees surrounded it - palms and acacia and shrubs that only grow in warmer lands. A white and grey dog was barking loudly near the porch, curious of the two strangers standing outside the wood-fence.

'One thing to find out, why don't you knock?' Legolas said.  There hung the scent of fresh rosemary in the air, hint of a garden nearby. Raen craned her neck searching for any soul inside. For a while they waited, reluctant to step inside the half opened gate. The door creaked and came a young man standing by the door. He called and a woman appeared behind him.

'Good day!' Raen said. 'Have we come to Nestor's house?'

'You have.' The woman stepped out the door and approached them to the fence. 'What business brings two elves in this parts. Harvest time is in two days.' Her black curls streamed behind her back, she had deep brown eyes and two faint lines on her forehead. Her marred hands shows all the hard labours in life.  Raen turned to Legolas as if she was uncertain, it breaks her heart to say what she've got to say, and Legolas knew she was battling with herself.

'We bear tidings about ---'

'Your harvest, yes!' Raen cut him off.


'Yes! I mean not just for the harvest. These potatoes seemed ready for harvest. We came too soon.' Raen murmurred looking sharply at Legolas.' She ran her eyes around adoring the wide potato plantation that surrounded the house, and she doesn't know how to break the news upon seeing two little children gathering behind the woman. 'Nestor have three children!' she smiled at them.

'Five!' the woman said. 'There's the other two,' pointing behind them. It was Nestor's eldest son with their third child working with a basket on their arms. 'They're gathering breakfast. Come inside if you please.'

Legolas and Raen followed staring awkwardly at each other. But they didn't dare the living room, not that they didn't want to - they both felt it was no good accepting hospitality when you are bearing some bad news. They halted just before the porch. 'You must be Agnes, Nestor's wife.'

'I am!' There was a sudden shift in the woman's tone upon hearing his name again. And her eyes glistened with her lips slightly trembling. She sent her children inside and back she drew herself away from the porch. 'Don't speak of his name near our children. I do not wish to hear it.' Tears roll down her eyes as she turns her back on them.

'I am very sorry.' Raen slipped her fingers on her side pocket and handed a folded piece of paper. 'Guilty or not, I believe he was a good man, a loving father.'

The woman snatched the letter on her hand pressing it against her chest, then she bit her lips as she sobs. Raen threw her arms about her for she felt the pain. At length they hugged until the woman broke away wiping her tears with her sleeve. 'Thank you,' Agnes whispered. 'It will take time before my children understand.' She looked away. 'I don't blame him, or hate him. Thank you for sending his words to us.'

'I promised!' Raen said pressing her hands. 'I wanted to help in anyway I can. Take this,' she rolled the bracelet off her wrist. 'I don't know how much this cost but this is all I've got so ---'

Legolas was quick to stop her hand. 'No. You can't give that to her.'

'Why not? This is mine to give.'

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