The Movie Marathon

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I was upstairs in my bedroom,  putting on some pajamas. Basically some grey sleep shorts and a Captain America t-shirt.

It was 11:55, so Lucy should be here any minute now. I've always looked up to her, mostly as an older sister. I would never admit it to anyone, but I missed her the most out of the Tenrou Team. Sure, everyone in the guild is my family. But after what happened to my parents...Lucy was the one who helped me buy groceries. She helped teach me things my parents didn't get to teach me, like cooking and cleaning and how to pay bills. She's the one that let me sleep over the most because I didn't like being in the empty house.

Odd how things turned out. 

I went downstairs to the living room, where I had set up the TV for Disney Plus, and had set up the best pillow fort in existence. 

There's a lot you can do with an assortment of pillows, blankets, and a pull out couch.

"I wonder when Lucy will get here with the snacks and tissues. There's so much she needs to see and I need to tell her about everything!" I wondered. Not just the movie. I may or may not want to tell her about everything that's happened. 

Just then, I heard a knock at the door. I ran over, swinging it open. "Lucy!"

"Hey Kimmy. Sorry I'm late. I stopped back at my house to put on some more comfortable clothes. I brought all the stuff you wanted too," the celestial wizard said, walking into my home. Lucy made herself comfortable in the fort, arranging the tissue boxes. "So what are we starting with? Iron Man 1 or The First Avenger?"

I opened a bag of chips, dumping it out into a bowl. "The First Avenger. If we're  gonna marathon, we're gonna do it right," I stated. I sat next to my bestie (yes, we're besties; so don't argue with me on this), and started the first movie with the TV remote. This was going to be an excellent three days. 

{Time-skip brought to you by Stan Lee cameos}

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Lucy shrieked, excitement, adrenaline, and way too much sugar filling her veins. "W-with Bucky! And LOKI! I love Scarlett Witch and Doctor Strange! The Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-man, Black Panther, and freaking SPIDER-MAN! I can't take it! Not to mention all the characters coming together in Infinity War and Endgame-!"

"Was that worth it or what?!" I cheered. I really missed fangirling with Lucy. "I mean, all of them need to be protected. All. Of. Them."

"Yes. Yes they do!" the celestial mage agreed. "I must say, I don't really get why they did the time travel thing with Steve. Wouldn't it make more sense to be stay when he's finally gotten Bucky back?"She asked.

I shrugged. "I don't get it either. I think it's just Disney's fear of not being straight enough for marketing outside of Fiore."

 Lucy looked at the Disney Plus title screen dejectedly. "When's the next movie?" 

I grinned. "They're actually releasing a line of TV series! The first one, WandaVision, will be in Mid July."

"Kimberly, we are going to see that the day it comes out! But first, I think we need to calm down, shower, and eat a proper meal," Lucy stated.

I giggled. "Yeah, you're right. Wanna use my shower, borrow some clothes? Then we can head back to the guild hall," I offered. 

"No offense, but will your clothes fit me?" the blonde questioned, looking at my figure. Though I was somewhat taller, Lucy was curvier than me. "I could just get Virgo to bring me something."

I thought for a second. "I might have something of Mom's that'll fit you. But if you're more comfortable with Virgo bringing you something, that's not my decision to make. You do what makes you comfortable," I simpered.

"Thanks Kimmy, you're the best. I think I'll just get Virgo to bring me something from the Celestial World. It's always really nice looking," she said. "I'm going to go upstairs now. Do you need any help taking the fort down?"

"No. I was gonna leave it up for a while longer. Just clean up the tissues and food. Really, I'm still a kid at heart, so I really just want to keep it until it falls," I replied, somewhat nervously.

Lucy laughed a little. "Yeah, I feel ya. By the way, where do you keep your towels?"

"There should be some in the closet upstairs."

"Thanks Kimberly."

"No problem." I watched as my guildmate went upstairs, and I began to clean up. Threw away all the tissues, and all six of the boxes. Yes, six boxes. We watched about twenty five emotional movies. Do you blame us?

About twenty minutes later, Lucy came back downstairs wearing a white and blue outfit with blue boots. She looked awesome. "I'll finish up here, you go upstairs and clean yourself up. Seriously, your hair is a mess," she insisted.

"It's my house, you don't have to do anything," I assured, threading through my purple locks with my hand.

"But I made some of the mess, and stayed here for three days straight. The least I can do is finish up cleaning. Now, go upstairs and take care of yourself." I sighed. I was not going to win this argument.

I went upstairs, got some clothes, and got in the shower. It was warm, but not burning my skin. Just how I like it.

My thoughts drifted towards Lucy, and how she hasn't changed in the slightest. I've changed a lot over the last seven years, and it's like Lucy ignores that altogether. But she doesn't treat me like I'm eleven, albeit she still acts like a big sister to be. Though, technically I am older.

I guess, when I put it in perspective, not a lot has changed between us.

We still love Marvel, we're still dedicated wizards, we still love spending time with each other, and we are still good people at heart. Well, her at the least. Though I'm trying to be a better guildmate. 

I smiled. No matter what, I guess these things will stay the same.


Smiley: Ah, yes! Another chapter! Sorry it took awhile, but I'm going to try to update weekly. Or as often as I can. 

Lucy: Yes, that was an excellent movie marathon. So, how was Spider-man?

Smiley: It was the greatest thing I have ever witnessed. From the opening scene, to the second end credit scene, it was pure bliss. *single tear rolls down cheek*

Natsu: I don't get it, how can a movie be more important than food, or a fight?

Kimberly: What. Did. You. Just. Say.

Smiley: Can I kill him?

Happy: Mashima owns Fairy Tail and all it's characters. Smiley does not own Marvel.

Natsu and Happy: Next time: The Archer vs The Fire Dragon!

Lucy: Natsu, we're going to give you to the count of five before we attack you. 1...

Happy: I think you should run

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