Training Begins

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I took in a deep breath of air, the aroma of the forest filling my lungs. Yes, I know technically I live in the forest, but it's more so really close. Besides, this is a different forest. It smells different.

I already got settled in my one bedroom cabin, and am now wearing some black shorts, a white tank top, a light blue sports bra, and navy running shoes. Step one of my training routine is going for a run. Obviously. I stretched my arms up, going over my route in my head. Then bent to touch my toes. (I come a little short, but it's only because I have long legs!)

Around the lake twice, five minute break, and then 5 laps around my site.

After my stretches, I started running, careful not to use all my energy. This is only a warm up, I do not want to commit self-manslaughter.

I ran up onto a couple of rocks, feeling pretty confident with myself, when everything went absolutely horrible. A huge, brightly coloured butterfly started flying right towards me.

Do not judge, it's a long story that you will learn later. This is also dramatised from my point of view.

After being hit with absolute terror, I slipped, letting out an inhuman squeal. I frantically waved my arms, hoping to regain my balance. I have no idea where the butterfly is.

Suddenly, in the midst of my panic, a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist right before I fall. "You okay, Sif-Eye?"

"Sting?!" I exclaimed, trying to regain my composure. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Rogue and I are training for the Grand Magic Games," he said, helping me to my feet. "By the way, did you just freak over a butterfly?"

My cheeks flared red. He saw that. "Well,  what if I did? Do you know, know, how terrife, terrifying they are?" I spluttered. Oh god, I'm making it worse.

Sting laughed. "Yeah, alright Butterfly."

Okay, you're gonna think I'm crazy, but I gut punched him. He deserved it.

"Don't call me Butterfly, you Lightbulb," I said, hiding behind my purple sidebangs. I turned away from the dragon slayer, rolling my eyes. "I have training to do anyways."

I started running again, trying to ignore Sting when he started following.

"You're training too?! For what?" The blonde questioned, sounding somewhat excited. "Is it the GMG? Are you a wizard?"

I want to still be annoyed, but the dragon slayer sounded too happy. "Yeah, I am. And my guild is going to win," I said.

"And what guild is that?"

How many questions does this guy have? I stay silent, dodging some branches as I round a bend. You know what, I'm gonna mess with him.


"Guess?" I looked back for a moment, gazing at his confused blue eyes.

"Yeah." I jumped off a small ledge to a beachy section. Some sand flew around, a bit getting into my shoe. Lovely. "Guess. I'll give you this entire three months to get it right."

"You know Kimberly, I thought you were nicer than this," Sting mock complained from behind me. "Why can't you just tell me."

I turned a bend, slowing down so I didn't fall. "I am nice. I haven't yelled at you for following me yet," I sassed.

I heard Sting laugh. "Well, sorry if I wanna get to know you better."

Well, someone is going to be disappointed. "I'm hardly that interesting."

You're not on Your Own (Sting x OC)Where stories live. Discover now