The Grand Magic Games

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{Kimberly's POV}

I watched from the back of the room as Gramps announced the new guild master. It was quite amusing, how Mirajane just smiled cutely, saying that the new master had left a note. Though I must admit, as fit as he is for the position, Guild Master really is just not "Gildarts' style".

Cana's relationship with him is interesting as well. Apparently, there's some sort of father-daughter thing going on there. Lucy told me a bit about it over the weekend. 

Then there was Laxus being part of the guild again, officially. I'm quite happy about that, to be honest. Though he seemed flawed in his ways back when I was a kid, I can tell he's finally understanding what it means to be a good person--and maybe guild master one day. Though, I can't say I'm the best judge of that. 

Of course, everyone was cheering or laughing together, while I just sat on the sidelines and watched. As the conversation flowed, they talked about our new goal to be the strongest guild again. 

The Tenrou Team was 7 years behind in training, so they would have to make up for that. Then there was the matter of how we would be the best again. 

Suddenly, Romeo jumped up on a table, claiming that there was an easy, amazing way to  become the strongest again. I knew what he was talking about, and so did most of the others. I started fiddling with my fingers. It could be a good idea, but...

"No! We are not doing that again!" Macao exclaimed. There were many statements of agreement, confusion, and then there was Romeo who just didn't want to give up. I smiled a little. That kind of spirit was going to take him places. 

Of course, I remember the humiliation of the Grand Magic Games. I remember my sense of pride wavering, hiding in the bathroom because I couldn't bare to watch us lose, and, of course, the laughing and pointing. I must say, when you're around fourteen years old, those things tend to stay with you. 

But then again, why shouldn't I swallow my shame and walk into the stadium with determination? Especially after all the times I hadn't been there, I, as well as the Tenrou team, basically owe it to them to win it. To walk the streets with strength and pride once again. 

I tuned back into the somewhat chaotic debate, which continued for quite a while. That is, until Natsu, Lucy, and the others got back. 

Then, there was the vote. Everyone who wasn't on the Tenrou team except Romeo and I raised their hand. 

"But there's no way we can lose this time! We have the Tenrou Team, and Kimmy is here to compete this year!" Romeo stated.

"Haven't you been paying attention?" Warren interjected. "They missed out on 7 years of training."

Ah, yes. Another valid point. That would be quite the problem. Although, if they all work hard and train, they could catch up by the time the games roll around in a few months. At the very least, we could stop coming in dead last. That should count for something.

"So what are we talking about doing or not doing here anyway?" Natsu asked.

"While you guys were all on Tenrou island,  there was a massive tournament that started where a ton of guilds compete..." Romeo quickly explained the GMGs to everyone, and of course they were completely on board. 

After a tiny bit more bickering, I decided to voice my answer. "We're doing it." All eyes turned to me, some pleased, some surprised.

"But Kimberly, I thought you hated the humiliation that came with the games?" Bisca questioned, concerned. 

I grinned. "True, but if we swallow our shame for one week, it would be rewarding to be able to walk the streets with pride again." 

"Well said, Kim," Erza praised. She smiled fondly at me, the way your parents do when they're proud of you. I smiled back, containing my excitement. Erza praised me!

"By the way," I began, turning towards Gramps. "The winning guild get's a prize of 30,000,000 jewel," I added.

Of course, with that Master agreed. 

Where was I gonna go for my three months of training?

{Time-skip brought to you by the God of Thunder}

I opened my closet door, packing up everything I'd need for three months of training. After about an hour of thinking about what I had to work on and maintain, I had a couple of options.

1) Stay home

2) Nice place on the other side of the country

3) That place where that dark guild used to be

and, finally, what I decided on:

4) Cabin in the forest only a train ride away. 

It was small, open for rent, and there were only a few sites, quite spread out along the lake. There were trails I could go for runs on, space for archery, and was reasonably close to a small town that would have everything I'd need. Overall, it was the best option.

So, now I was packing everything I would have to bring with me. Clothes, books, comic books, and other essentials. I tend to pack pretty lightly, a skill my mom made sure I had. So I never take more that I can carry. 

My parents, Kyomi and Sorin, were an S-Class Fairy Tail team. They called themselves Team Cosmic, and had a high success rate. My mom was a master of Illusion magic, while my dad was and expert in requip magic. 

Mom was the one who helped me pack my things on camping trips, took me shopping for books, and other skills. Dad, however, taught me basics in first aid, archery, and everything you need to know about horrible jokes. 

Also how to insult people, but mom said I'm not supposed to tell dad. I'm doing an amazing job at that.

I miss them both dearly, and would probably do anything to get them back, but I've learned to deal with it. I mean, I still can't bring myself to move into the master bedroom, but that's a problem for another day. 

I took out my best sleep shirt, long sleeved, all black, better for cooler nights. I shook it out, ready to fold it, when I noticed something. There were a ton of holes in it! Like, little ones, probably from moths. I scowled. I hate moths. They are terrifying. 

I guess I'll have to borrow one of Mom's old shirts. Like when I was younger. I sighed, throwing the garment on my bed.

I went into my parents room, doing my best to ignore the untouched pictures of us. There was a layer of dust on everything, since I don't go in here that often. I went straight into the walk in closet, grabbed a dark purple, fuzzy shirt, and quickly got out of the room. 

Closing the door behind me, I sighed. It never gets easier, walking into that nook of the universe untouched by time. The eleven year old in my heart is probably still crying those silent tears. 

I went back into my room, finishing my packing. I didn't bother with any food. Just enough money to buy whatever I'd need later. I zipped up my backpack and duffle bag, and began heading out my door. 

"Wait." I turned around, quickly scanning the main floor. "I'm forgetting something." Books, comics, notebooks, pencils, video player...Yes, I have everything I need. 

I headed out the door, locked it behind me, and headed for the train station.  I'm so ready to do this.


Smiley: It's dull, it's short, it's late, but it's here. I saw Thor: Ragnarok, my life is changed, everyone's happy

Kimberly: Are we though? Are we?

Lucy: Stop being so ominous, or whatever. Next chapter will be way more exciting!

Natsu: Yes! Action!

Kimberly: You're not going to be there, Natsu

Sting: Yeah, we don't see you for like, three chapters

Happy: But be ready, 'cause when Natsu gets screen time, he's awesome!

Smiley: Or annoying. Who knows

Natsu and Happy: Next time; Training Begins!

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