Target Practie

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Warning: Swearing

{Kimberly's POV}

I sat on the edge of my bathtub, dabbing at my bleeding knee with a wet cloth. There was a bit of dirt in it, and to be honest I'm not exactly sure at what point in the fight it happened. I think I made it worse when I started running.

I've been replaying the scene of me sprinting off over and over again. 

What's wrong with me? I guess I was kind of rude, I didn't have to be forceful. I don't like people helping me. I'm not used to it, so maybe that was a panic response? Yet another side effect of being independent for extended periods of time.  

I placed some bandages around the wound, and it was good as new. I put away my medical supplies, staring at myself in the mirror. You know, in the way where you're kind of depersonalizing yourself? Dammit, I need to shoot something. 

I ran out to my back yard, which was basically the forest surrounding Magnolia, grabbing a quiver on the way. Hell yeah I was gonna shoot something. That always made me feel better.

"Requip: Falling Star." My favourite bow, shaped a little oddly but one of the best in my arsenal.  I drew an arrow, lining up my shot at one of my targets (a piece of wood with paint on it nailed to a tree, but in my defense I can't really afford anything fancy).

I let go of my arrow, watching for a moment as it sped towards the target hitting dead center. I took another from my quiver, lining up another shot. Once again, it soared through the air before hitting the center of the target. 

I don't know how long I repeated it--shooting at a target, thoughts flowing through my mind. How I spoke to Lucy, before, during, and after our weekend together. How I don't seem to be able to confront people the way it happens so naturally for others. 

Where did I go wrong? Why am I unable to let people in, be around them longer? I never had this problem back when I was a kid. 

Kid me would complain, loudly, demanding it to be fixed. Kid me would enjoy any attention I got. Kid me was emotional, because emotions sucked and I needed everyone else to know it.

Kid me didn't have to deal with things like loneliness, and anxiety, and her loved ones suddenly leaving her.

"HEY! FROSCH! WHERE DID YOU GO?" I snapped out of my daze, noticing a few things.

1) I had shot about twenty arrows at my target, a majority of them hitting within the general center.

2) I had raised a shot towards where the voice had came from.

3) There was someone near my house.

I walked towards the left side of my house, into the forest. My darted about the forest, looking for whoever it was that had gotten too close. 

Crack! I swiftly turned to a large shrub, waiting for whoever it was to come out. "Show yourself!" I exclaimed.

Then, out comes one of the most adorable creatures I have ever seen. A green exceed, wearing a pink frog onesie. I lowered my bow, staring at the blissfully cheery cat for a moment. 

"Hello! Fro is happy to meet you!" It's voice. It was perfect. Amazingly cute. I think I've died and gone to heaven. I put away my bow and arrow, kneeling down to get closer to eye level. Fro. Frosch? Like that voice? Was someone looking for this cute little exceed?

"Hi, Frosch?" I said, seeing if it reacts.

"That's Fro!" They said, doing a cute little spin. Okay. Theory confirmed. 

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