Chapter 1: Someone New

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I get asked what I was in search for...I was searching for paradise...Maybe I'll finally find it...But first, I need to take you back when it first started so you know the full story. It was a dark afternoon, the weatherman said that it would rain. It was an ordinary day for me. Just stay home and sleep on the couch. That day I actually got up and was getting ready to go out the house. I was just going with the flow back then. Didn't give any two thoughts about it. I hear a knocking on the front door. It was more like pounding like as if the person was ready to take down the door. "Hey! You damn fox, open the door!" I remember that voice. It still lingers to this day in my head. It was my mate."I already told you that the relationship is over! Now get off my property before I take one of my wrenches and stick it up your ass Jake!" We've been broken up for about a month now. Each day or week, he has come here. He cheated on me and said it wasn't him, even though I caught him red handed. "Come on Foxe! I shouldn't have done it! I'm sorry!" Jake said this as if he meant it. "I don't care if you're sorry or not! Get out of here before I open that god damn door and hit you with my fist!" I say this angrily and I meant every word of it."But I want you to open the door, Foxe!" Jake said this confidently. As if this was a game to him. "That's it! You may be a Husky but this fox is going to teach you some manners!" I stomp over to the front door angrily with a wrench at my side, passing through the kitchen and family room...I did warn him after all. "Foxe, don't please! I only want to talk to you! Is that too much to ask for!?" Jake said in angry tone. "The only thing I ever wanted to have is your love! But nope! I'm not good enough!" I open the door angrily almost slamming it open against the wall. He looks down at me and sees me clenching my fist."F-F-Foxe,don't do anything rash now will ya?" He's voice seems scared now lacking his confidence he had earlier."Why? Just so you can come in here and act like you own the place?!" I swing my wrench angrily at him, making a clean cut across the face. He stumbles back with his paw holding his muzzle."God damn it you little runt of a fox!" He places his paws down at his side making a fist while he does so. I see a cut but it isn't deep enough to bleed but deep enough to hurt as I see it more clearly now. That cut will probably heal over time. He comes over to me in an angry fashion."You're going to pay for that fox!" I hit him again but this time in the stomach without the wrench and I close the door quickly and lock it. I sit down on the floor, by front of the door. He starts to pound on the door harder than I could ever imagine him doing so."Open this door you little piece of shit!" Jake demanded. "Saying the guy who will probably pound me into the next century!" I stated. "I won't! I promise!" Promise...That word can do so much yet it's only a word. Hm...There are many words like that...Like the word love...No one can define it even though many people do. Heh... "No! You already lied to me straight in the face so why should I trust you?!" I yelled out. "...Because I'm sorry...I should've never done that...that was uncalled for, for me to do that. I'm sorry...I mean it..." He stops pounding on the door and I'm left there with just heavy breathing from me and him. "Please, Foxe...Open the door...All I want to do is talk to you...Make sure everything is okay..." Jake said seeming to actually care. "Leave..." I say. "But Foxe..." "I said leave....Or do I have to teach you another lesson?" "Fine...You were a troublemaker anyway..." I hear his footsteps walk away. They were steady and slow. It almost seemed that he wanted me to open the door and give him a second chance. I hear his car start up and drive off. How could I not? I replaced the engine on the sucker and placed twin turbos on it. I sigh and I look down at the floor.He deserved it.I stand up and I scan the house. Same old same old. The family room has the 45" flat screen TV. The kitchen has the stove and microwave. I'm probably going to be ordering take-out and watching Netflix tonight. I didn't mind that. I look over at my family picture. It reminds of all that happened. My brother sadly died...He died in a car crash...He was behind the wheel and racing dangerously...I was in that race...I saw him die in front of my eyes. His car flipped multiple times and rested on top of the roof after the car stopped rolling. I stopped my car and raced back to him. Nitrous and fuel were dripping out the car. He was still alive and I ran over to him hoping I would save him. I already knew he would die. Flames started to rise from the car. I remember that look in his eyes. He and I both know at that moment that would be the last time we would see each other. The look in his eyes said "We'll meet again. Don't cry for me." I got several feet to the car before it explodes causing me to fly back and hit the windshield of my car. He was still alive...I remember the screams. The car was an inferno...That was the fuel that exploded...I start to sit up slowly looking at him. I knew I could've done nothing to help him. Sitting there helpless knowing that no matter what I would do the same result would happen. Death...Same result as I play it back in my mind. About after a minute, the nitrous explodes and the screaming stops. I knew at that moment that my brother...was no more in this world... A tear starts to roll down my cheek as I remember the day and I walk over to the family photo and I grab it, I look at my brother and I smile softly while looking at it. I remember the picture. My father drove the car that my brother was driving. My father died on impact by a wrong-way driver. He was driving normally but got killed by a head on impact by a semi-truck. He died when I was 13 years old. My brother died in that car too. I'm afraid to drive that car. It's now in the junkyard where I placed it. I set the photo back down and I continue to look at it. My mother died giving birth to me and my brother died when I was 14. I'm 16 now... Two years have gone past. I have a dead-end apartment and about barely enough in my bank account to let me keep a roof over my head and enough to buy food. I hear my stomach rumble telling me to get some food inside me before I decide to come out and slap you for not feeding me. "...Hm...Chinese food?... Hopefully, I still have some orange chicken left in the fridge. If not, I guess I can just order it over the phone and let them deliver it." I walk over to the fridge steadily and calmly. Wanting to think about anything else. Even a boring sitcom would change my mind. I open the fridge and I look inside. "Now where are you, my lovely orange chicken?" I bend over and I rummage around the fridge. If anyone would be there they would now I would be teasing them at this point. I did that a lot to my ex. He loved me doing it. "Here you are." I pull out the orange chicken and I smile. I set the orange chicken into a bowl and I set it into the microwave. "...Okay...7 minutes should hopefully do the trick." I put in 7 minutes and it starts to cook. With about 2 minutes remaining, its start's to catch fire. I look over at the microwave noticing a weird smell coming from it. Seeing the fire, I get up quickly and I put out the fire.I like talking to myself sometimes. Let's me think and all that. I'm probably insane or just crazy that it accurately works to help me calm down. "Now...What do I get now?... Order pizza?...Yeah, let the pros handle the food." I pick up my phone and I order the pizza. A couple minutes later the doorbell rings and I open the door. I see a young pup. A wolf that looks like he's 16. He glances up and down at me. "You workout?" The wolf said curiously "Yeah." I responded. "Cool. The pizza is $15." I just smile and hand him the money. Everyone get's done to business nowadays.Such a petty. I close the door and I head to the kitchen with my newly purchased pizza. I open the box on the stove and I'm rushed by the scent of the pizza. The scent is intoxicating for me. It's been months since I had any. I let Jake cook for me all the time because if it would be my night to cook that would be take-out night for both of us. I pick up two slices of the pizza. I go over to the couch with my water and I turn on Netflix. I start scrolling through it trying to find anything. After awhile I change it to amazon prime and start watching "need for speed the movie (2014)" I wake up slowly with a rather foul smell. I sigh and I sit up. It's intoxicating...I sniff the air and my eyes widen. "The smell is me?" I did any other thing that a guy would do at this point...I lift up my shirt and I sniff my armpit. I make a sour face and I back away. "Yep. That's totally me." I sigh and I go over to my stereo. I kneel down and I turn on the stereo; I put on fall out boy, not really caring which album it is. I stand up and I walk over to the bathroom. I go into the bathroom and I enter the shower. The music seems to fit. The shower is hot and I just stand there letting the water run over me and my fur. Everything is racing in my mind. Today is Sunday, no school or church. Many people up and down the street are believers in God. I'm not. "Hm..." I step out the shower and I go into my bedroom. I start going through the closest. I pick out a red long sleeve shirt,black sweat pants,and gray boxers. I put them on and I go over to the family room's closet. I pull out a black hoodie pullover and I put it on. I sigh and I sit down on the couch. "Now what do I do today? Walk to the coffee shop?...Yeah let's do that." I go over the stereo and I turn it off. I grab my phone and headphones. I plug my headphones into the phone and I put the phone into my pocket. I walk out the house and I smile. I lock the house and I proceed to the coffee shop. I get looked at for what I'm wearing in the heat. I don't mind wearing this stuff. I get called crazy but I'm happy that they do so because I am. I let my headphones dangle around my neck. I put on my hood covering my headphones in the process. After 20 minutes, I see the coffee shop. I know that's a good place to go to meet someone new and single like me. I go into the coffee shop and I pull down my hood. I scan the room. A white wolf, a black wolf, a german shepherd, a black and white husky, and another fox. The other fox doesn't have the same fur as me. He has red and white and I'm white,red,and gray. I have quite the color combo huh... The white wolf seems like he isn't talkative but looks strong. The black wolf is just sitting there. He's wearing a leather jacket and looks like he's in a motorcycle gang but who am I to judge? The german shepherd looks like he's in the army. I support the military but I would hate knowing that he could go to war and die at any moment... I sigh and I go to the counter. The girl there smiles at me. Me and her both know each pretty well. She's a Doberman. She's nice and somewhat know's why I'm here. "Hey there Sarah." She turns around from making a coffee and I put my arms on the counter and I proceed to lean on the counter. "Hey there Foxe...Same old-" "Same old." I smile knowing that she would say that at one point. She just smiles more at me. "So what brings you here?" "Hm...Maybe I caught my mate cheating on me and maybe he proceeded to lie to me straight in the face." "Sorry to hear that." "Don't be...He just wasn't the one..." "Anyways, you want the same order as before?" "Yeah..." I look over at the white wolf. I see him somewhat falling asleep and I smile. "Give me another but this time for the white wolf there." I point to him and she looks. She just smiles and gives me the two coffees. I pick them up and I go over to the white wolf. Getting closer to him now,he's fur seems like it's white as snow. Wow. I bet he's the winner at hide and seek when it's snowing. "This seat taken?" The white wolf just looks up and down at me. He's scanning me. I can see it in his eyes. He's eyes are hazel, where mine are light blue and gray. Dang. I might be crushing on him already. He smiles before answering me. "No." I smile and I sit down on the chair. I place one of the coffees in front of him. He looks at me puzzled. "Hm? What is this for?" "To keep you from dozing off so I get to know you, mister." He chuckles and smiles at me. "I guess I do need one before I get to know you too." We both sip our coffee. "So what is the wolf's name which he has fur white as snow." "My name is Nathan. So what is the color combo fox's name?" "Foxe. It's fox with an e at the end. Strange name, I know." "Nah. It actually fit you with your fur to your eyes." I blush as he says this. Dang. I thought I would be the one making the moves here. Guess not. "So I'm foxy?" "I know you are." I blush even more and I pray to high heavens that he doesn't notice. "And the blush just makes you cuter." Damn it...He noticed...."What the fox turned shy all of a sudden?" "...I just got no idea what to do or say." "Let me help you with that." I look at him puzzled. He grabs my chin lightly and kisses my lips. I kiss back and the kiss gets deeper and we both close our eyes. My ears twitch as I hear Sarah mutter something but I disregard it. He breaks the kiss slowly after an hour or so passes. My tail is wagging happily and we both have smiles on our faces. I stare into his hazel eyes. I can see love,care,kindness, in his eyes. "So you know what to say now?" I nod at him. "Yep." I lean into his ear. I feel his fur lightly against my nose. "I love you." I sit back down and he stares at me in complete shock and then after a couple seconds he smiles. I notice and it makes him looks cute. I continue to stare at him waiting for a response of some kind. "I thought you wouldn't feel the same way." "Well, I do." I can see him blushing a bit but not a lot. So cute. "You got a place to stay Foxe?" "For the moment." He smiles even more when he hears my response to him. "Than let's go to your place and get to know each other better" I nod and we both walk out the cafe with him putting his arm around my shoulder. 

Written In The StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon