Chapter 8: A good shot of the past

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  ow we catch up to present time a little. That's about...A good eighteen months to play catch up with. Me and Night already got married earlier in the year. It was on June twenty-sixth in two thousand and eighteen. Right now me and Night are living up in the countryside outside of a county called "Payson." Night is a police officer there and I'm a stay at home husband. I take care of the groceries and everything else. He wanted to be a state officer but I said no and protested. Right now I'm in the town, getting food. We have an adopted son and he looks up to Night as a father figure. He looks up to me as a mother figure. The kid is called Luke and he's a white wolf. He's twelve and smart like Night. We got him at the age of five and been with us ever since. I spend most of his school days when he isn't with me, to get food. Either that or when he's with Night. I kinda never stopped acting like a child because I'm still young but also because it's fun. I can be mature when I want to be and keep in mind that's when I have to be. Right now though...Well let's just say my past caught up to me. What happened was that my old crew caught my trail. They found me here and sent an assassin here to do what they couldn't have done. I remember standing right by the car, getting ready to put the food in then...Silence...I saw people rushing over towards me and I fell to the ground. I remember hearing sirens...I saw...A police officer clear the crowd and look down at me. I-It's Night...He goes down to his knees and holds me close to him. I...I wanted to die old...Along side with Night. I can hear voices but it's hard to tell what they're saying. I just stare at Night...nothing else except stare...If I was to do die, my last words would be "I love you, Night." I see him lift me up and quickly place me somewhere...My best guess is an ambulance. I can feel his hand held mine tightly. I fall unconscious right there in the ambulance. The last thing I remember was looking up at the stars...Staring at them...

I'm so sorry that it's a short chapter. I wrote this over a year and now seeing this, I feel as if I didn't even try. I am so sorry. I hope the next chapter will make up for this. Anyways, I must be off. 

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