Chapter 5: A night to remember

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 It's weird isn't it? I'm talking mostly about love because one person can suffer so much but yet some don't give up. Today is prom night at the high school I go to. They pride themselves on being "the most American school out of Japan." Ridiculous in my own opinion. I really don't have a choice if I could or couldn't go. Night said and I quote this, "You shall not be sitting around on a night like prom. I'm taking you and you better like it." I knew he was right so it was pointless arguing. He's a captain for goodness sake and here I am. A guy who just plays military video games and in those I'm the hero. In this world, I'm a guy who is a nobody except for Night. To him, I'm everything and vise versa...But in this world, he's a hero. "Hey Foxe, are you almost done yet? I know you hate tuxedos but come on for goodness sake." I just sigh and look in the mirror. I see my reflection, staring back at me. A fox with light blue hair with it a little bit to the right, along with light blue eyes staring back at me. Right now, my villain is a tie. Weird. I can do this and that but when it comes to tying stuff, I fail at it. "Well, Mr.Dusk, I'm dealing with the latest villain in my life. His name is called Dr. Tie. His plan to take over the whole world is to not get tied by me." I can hear him chuckle as he enters the doorway. "But then again, the great captain can't probably have time to take care of this." I can see him smile in the reflection of the mirror and walk towards me. "Foxe, there is always time in my schedule just for you." I smile and blush as he puts his arms under mine and he begins to tie my tie. He rests his head on my shoulder and I just can't help but smile like an idiot. "Why thank you captain." I smile as I see him in his formal uniform. A blackish brown with the medals he earned and the clips he got. He has a black tie under his uniform and a white vest that. He looks handsome and I just can't but blush even more. "There you go. Dr. Tie's evil plan has been stopped." I smile as he puts his hands around my waist and tugs on me gently, pulling me gently back at him. This is my sophomore year and I get to go to prom. I believe if was in the U.S. I wouldn't be going to prom. I believe it's reserved for the seniors and juniors. I also believe it's because I'm also graduating early. To be honest, a whole year early. I guess that means I get to go to college too. I believe my major will probably be physiology. He smiles and stares at us in the mirror. "You know what Night? I'm scared that I might not never see you again if you went off to war." He turns me around I stare into his eyes. I can see myself in his dark blue eyes and I just stare back with my light blue eyes. "I have a reason to come back Foxe. That reason would be you." I blush and he hugs me. I hug him back and we both pull away, holding each other's hand. "Come on, Foxe. We got to get going. After all, I want to see how well you dance." I gulp and blush, leading me out the room. "B-But I can't dance." I see him smirk as he glances back at me. "I'll be the judge of that." I blush even more and we stand up in the door. "Oh captain, aren't you forgetting something?" "Hm. I don't think so. I got my uniform on and wallet, along with the car keys." I giggle and put a black cap on his head with an eagle on the hat. There is also some yellow on the edge of the cap along with an edge of yellow below the eagle. I put the hat right on his head, in front of his eyes. He makes a surprised face mixed in with an "oh, I forgot that" expression. "You forgot your hat Night. I thought someone was supposed to be prepared." "Oh, be quiet. I can't remember every little detail because you distract me. A wonderful distraction in fact." I blush as he fixes his hat. It's perfectly set on his head now and looks down at me. He opens the door and I walk out with him behind me. I walk out to the car and I get into the shotgun seat, smiling. He gets into the driver side and we just look at each other. He starts to back up and I stare at him. He starts to drive down the road leading to the school. He drove me there most of the time and picked me up too. When he has to work later, I normally walk down there. It's what I believe is, five miles of walking. The school doesn't have any buses because a village is nearby the school. I and Night live well outside the village but they know us pretty well because of me. I spent most of my free time, going there and look around. The people liked me a lot and most of the people know me pretty well and some of the people taught me some Japanese. I'm still learning but I'm getting better. The trees around here are blooming with their light pink flowers. I usually got some on my way back home from the village. I usually put some of the flowers on night, in the hair, I might add, and maybe...Post it online but you didn't hear the come from me. I smile and the car slowly stops. Night turns off the car and gets out and he stands there, waving his finger at me, saying in a way of "No." I only have my hand on the door handle and retract it, tilting my head at him. He smiles and kisses my cheek with me blushing. "H-Huh? N-Night isn't the school and isn't I allowed to get out?" He smirks and shakes his head. "Nope. Not today. Now wait for here little one. It'll just take me a second to get to the other side." I roll my eyes and smile at him. I know I'm smaller than for goodness sake but this is ridiculous. He's six foot and seven inches with me being a fearful five feet and nine inches. He closes his door and he walks to my door, opening it. He holds out his hand and I take it, pulling me out of the vehicle. He smiles and closes the door. I smile and kiss his cheek. "I guess this is going to be really interesting." He smiles and nods. "Yes, now come on. We've got a busy night ahead of us." I smile and nod, as we start to enter the school. That night was memorable. We talked to my friends and soon after we went to an officer's ball. I slow danced with Night the whole night. I rarely left his side and by the end of the night, I fell asleep in the car on the way home. It's funny isn't? One person can mean so much to us and we try not to leave or mess up. I'm just a confused teenager in a world of chaos...And my boyfriend is in the middle of it. Not only protecting his country and you...But also me. I'm scared to even when I don't seem like it. I'm mostly scared because he might get put into the action again if the war starts up...But tonight I forgot about the world and enjoyed the night with my dashing captain. I knew this wouldn't last forever and I enjoyed what time I had that night. I met his friends and laughed. Not only that but also that they had some embarrassing stories. I just smirked like any other person would but I'm a fox and when we have something like this, we tease the person we know about it. They told me, ignoring Night's protests to tell me about them. The one I found cute was that whenever he was at work, he seemed happier and all that. They asked why and he said "I found this cute fox. He's nice, respectful and tries his best not to get unrespectful. When he does, he apologises and says he's sorry that he did it. He knows the line about what to do and what not to do with me around but he's also a troublemaker and doesn't mind playing with fire. But out of all that, he cares and tries to help everyone. From a person like me to a homeless guy off the street. He's the kind of person I would want to marry and take him out to meet my family." I couldn't help but giggle and blush at this. This was the first time that I even heard something like that. If anything, he's my big bad wolf that i tease and get into trouble with because it's fun...And well he's my mate so I think I have a right to do that stuff...I think...I'm not sure but it's fun. We often watch movies, specifically horror just to scare the living crap out of me and make me jump. I just held onto him tightly and whimper because this isn't really my preferred kind of genre of movies. If I had to pick, it would probably be something about music, such as "8 Mile" or "Straight Outta Compton", or romance. I guess I can live with this because he teases me about this repeatedly with each horror movie we watch so gets enjoyment out of two things. Me and the movie at two things at once. Night is my hero. My soldier that protects me when I need it. If I could keep one thing. Anything at all in the next life or anything like that, it'd be him. My big bad wolf that's a captain in the army and most importantly, my mate, Night...  

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