Chapter 3: A new beginning

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Heh...I guess it's time to continue the story huh? To get you caught up to present time. Well about a year later, we broke up. Mostly because he was kinda nut case sometimes. Not that I don't mind it, I think having an extra nut around is really good but he was kinda...Just using me for my body. I focus on the soul mostly. Kinda sad...I really liked him...Well that and what really drove it home was when I found him in an online relationship with someone else. It broke my heart and I cursed him out. I found it by looking through his phone mostly because....Well, I was his boyfriend. It was my job to love him, keep him safe, and make sure he doesn't do anything reckless. During that whole year, nothing much happened. Just new movies, wars, stuff like that. I can hear you asking "Foxe, where are you now?" Well, I'm on a ship going to another country. I got tired of being in the United States of America. Well, not only that but also because of Donald Trump. I mean like, he's an otter for goodness sake. They say crazy stuff all the time. Well, where I'm going will probably surprise most of you. No, I'm not going to Germany, Great Britain, France, Russia, or China. I'm going to Japan, Tokyo. I'm going in there through a boat...Well, that's an understatement. It's a very large cargo ship. I paid the captain with the rest of my money...That and a little charm from a fox if you know how to push the right button. The only rule is for me to follow is to stay away from the crew. I followed it and it wasn't very hard. The only time I talked or saw them was in the cafeteria or entertainment room. I helped them a few times on the main deck but that was mostly just bringing down the food or new equipment down or up to certain areas. I've been on this ship for almost a year now. We're headed to Tokyo but that's the last part of the journey before returning to America. Right now, I believe I'm off the coast of India. The captain says it'll take 5 months or so if the tide is in our favor. Mostly luckily it won't but I don't know. I mostly just spent my days on the ship mostly listening to music, reading, writing, or talking over the phone. Nathan called me several times from the main deck. I listened to him and answered him until the twentieth call. After that, I got sick of it and didn't answer him. He left me voicemails a lot but that was it. Sometimes text me. Heh...I guess us foxes are really hard to pin down and stay within a relationship. I'm not sure why but somehow wolves bring me joy or happiness when I have that is one. Well either that or a dog. Mostly because I could outsmart them and be a smart ass somewhat. I dropped out of highschool and got my GED (General Education Development). I'm not sure if I'm going to go to high school in Japan. I need my high school diploma mostly because I can get a job. The trip soon becomes a year, six months and three weeks on a Tuesday but who's counting? I sigh as I slowly get up the on the main deck. It's dark as it can be with lights just shinning down the street. I weave "bye" to my friends that I made on the journey. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and continue to walk down the port. I believe nearby is a military base. I believe it's American. I sigh and just walk forward to the main street. It's mainly quiet and very few cars are around here. Mostly trucks that seem to be running into the night, going to point a to point b. Here I am, a seventeen-year-old that left America with about a hundred dollars in American money. That probably will just get a drink at a bar. I believe a bar will be by. Mostly because a U.S. military base is here. I sigh and I look down the road then the ground. There's a puddle of water right in front of me. I look down at it and I just see myself. A fox with PTSD and depression. A fox that's wearing a black hoodie, black pants and holding a dark blue backpack. I step across the puddle and I start to walk down the street towards the military base. I slowly stop as I stand across the base. It's big and bulky. I see the flag and sure enough, it's American. I just let a small sigh and pull the hood over my head. I pull my phone and I put in my earphones and I put it in my ears. I don't mind them letting the cord show. Gives people a reason not to bother me. I smile a little and start to play through my playlist. The song that is playing is counting stars and I couldn't help but smile a little more. I walk down the alley and I notice a few people looking at me. Some of the soldiers that probably go to that base but mostly the natives. Maybe this isn't the best of neighborhoods? I sigh as I look up at the signs and I notice a bar in American. I slowly walk in and I sit down at the bar. I can feel their stars drift onto me. As if I'm some kind of cute girl or something. I'm nothing like that. I'm just simply a guy who wants to find love...But yet each one I find has major flaws...I know each person has flaws but I want to feel as if I'm someone's world. I really don't have an accent but just plain English. I was born in Virginia and brought to Arizona. Kinda weird isn't? I've seen a lot of stuff but yet...Everything seems to be...Less than I wanted...I've never been to prom...I've never gone to a fancy restaurant...I've only been on what I'd call a date would be going to see the movies...I sigh and I notice the bartender standing in front of me. A light red dyed cat. Weird..I don't see a lot of cats...Maybe there's more here... "So what do you want? A call to your mother saying that you're lost?" "...First, how about some manners. Second, get my scotch." I just lift my head up so slightly and I take out my earphones and put them in my pocket. I see that he's shook with the sound of my voice. I seem to look old probably from the look of me...But when I spoke I sounded young. "D-Do you have an ID?..." I just slowly nod and pull an American driver's license. It's fake and it says my age is twenty-three. I show him it and he just looks me surprised. "I-I-I thought you were younger...B-But still I can't serve you." I sigh and pull down my hood. I glare at him and my hair just shines with its color. I've colored it and it's a light blue, the same as my eyes. "Why is that? Is it because I'm a fox? Or is it because you don't like serving a fox?" He just slowly nods and I just sighs. "You're a fox and there's a law in Japan say no fox shall drink liqu-" "I don't care what the law says! I've been out there at sea for about one year, six months, three freaking weeks! You either get the pissed off fox who doesn't have liquor in him or you get the fox who is happy and has some scotch in him..." He just looks at him scared and I just smirk. I bet by now, I've got the whole bar's attention me. "I think I finally figured it. You don't like foxes and that's why you don't serve them. There is no law, saying that a fox can't drink." I lean gently lean forward and I grab his shirt, pulling him right in front me. I stare him straight in the eyes and poke him hard in the chest. "From now on you're going to serve every fox while this bar stands. If you don't I will come back and kick your ass for lying to me and not serving your customers...And trust me, these U.S. soldiers can stop me but it will have to take almost everyone in this room to take me down." I throw him off and onto the drinks behind him. I see him as he hangs onto the shelf and the bottles rattle a little. I slowly stand up and I raise my hood once again. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I slowly pick up my backpack. I can hear a low growl and I just stand there with my backpack over my shoulder. "...Heh...I guess you guys wanna have fun...And you're the first customer." I spin around quickly and drop down, going between the guys legs. I jump up and kick him up against the bar. Another guy runs at him with a bottle and I grab his hand with him still running. I take the bottle out of his hand and push him to one of the tables. I smile and look at the soldiers. I can see them all staring at me almost as if they didn't know what to do. "Hm. No more customers? I guess it's time for me to leave." I smile and head out through the of the bar, going the way I came. I sigh and just walk down the street. I hear a door behind me, open. People from what I hear rush out. "Where the hell did that little bastard go!?" I gulp and quickly turn back. It's about six people, all what seems to be in U.S. Army uniforms, look at me. I gulp and drop my bag. I start to run quickly through the alley and I hear them start to run after them. "Kyle! Get the bag and head back to the base. The rest of us will take this fox down and bring him back to the base for him to get his punishment!" I hear someone stop but the rest seem to continue to chase me. I see what seems to be the end of the alley and I run through it. I instantly get knocked down by someone when I exited the alley. I just couldn't help but let out a panicked scream. "L-Let me go!" I start to squirm furiously and I hear a low growl come from the person on top of me and I hear him, in an accent of what seems to be southern. "I'm not letting you go! You're a troublemaker and you need to face punishment for what you've done!" I hear the other people catch up to me and I couldn't help but whimper. "I guess Kyle radioed in?" "Yeah and he told me what happened. By the way, it sounded, it sounded like he was strong and probably will probably put up a fight if he noticed you. That's why I waited there." My arms go behind my back and I hear what sounds like a click. I can't move my hands forward and I slowly get stood up. I've been handcuffed and my hood is getting pulled down. I look at them and I just sigh. "Nice one guys. How about you guys take off these handcuffs and let me go on my way?" I hear all of them chuckle. A person behind me grabs the handcuffs and I gulp. "No, that won't be happening. You beat up two of our guys, ran, and tried to get away. You're going to our jail and wait there till the captain decides what to do with you." I gulp and I slowly get pushed forward. My first night in Tokyo, Japan...Will be spent in a jail cell, waiting to see what'll happen to me...  

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