Chapter 9: Recovery

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You may be wondering what in the hell happened to me. I got shot in the lung and it was a clean entry and exit. Night saved my life by putting pressure on the wound, making sure I won't bleed out. I was in coma for a straight year. Night stayed by my side not daring to leave me. The station assigned him to protect me until the criminal was caught. I heard him talk to me even though I couldn't move or talk. I...I wished I could've hold him and helped him. I remember this one night that...He balled his eyes out. Luke was there beside him but he was fast asleep. I couldn't do anything. I just laid there and heard everything. He loved me and didn't want me to die right now. He told me to fight for Luke. Fight for him. I fought for him and tried my best to wake up each day. I remember each day that I was "asleep." Each sentence from the person. I slowly waked up and just looked at Night. I just stared at him, not able to talk or move. I tried to at least moved a finger to get him to notice. I tried so hard to get his attention but I eventually gave up. I looked around to see where I was at. My room had a closed door with it safely locked. The curtains was closed shut and I see a white light from the window beside me. It's night and I just stare at the ceiling. I slowly moved my hand up shaking while I take off the breathing mask I had on. I look at Night who was sitting down in a chair and had his face buried in his arms which was on my bed. I see Luke on the pullout couch on other side of the room. My lips tremble as I try to say something to wake him up or get his attention. After a while, I softly spoke in a tired and worry voice. "N-Night..." I hear him grumble and I try to use my remaining energy to try to wake him up. "N-Night. W-Wake up please. I-I'm a-awake now..." I hear him yawn and he slowly turns his head at me. After a couple seconds of his eyes adjusting, he looks at me shocked and smile softly. He climbs up on the bed and lay beside me, holding me close to him. I hear him talk in a soft voice, resting his head on my shoulder. "P-Please tell me this isn't a dream Foxe...P-Please tell me you're actually awake..." I blush and smile softly, glad that he noticed me. I close my eyes and spoke once again. "I-I am awake...I-I'm not sure for how much longer. I-I used most of my strength trying to get your attention." I hear him speak once again, almost sounding as if he was ready to cry. "R-Rest now...You need it. We'll talk more in the morning hopefully." I smiled and fell asleep there knowing that I was back in the real world...Not a dream anymore. The doctor came in the morning while I was just waking up. He looked at me and smiled, looking at Night. I motions for him to go outside the room and he does so. They talked for a long time and they both hugged each other. He comes in shortly after and sits beside me. I just looked at him and tilt my head ever so slightly. He starts to explain what it was about. He said that this was a good sign that I was waking up. I have to move my muscles to try to get my strength back. I just slowly nod and smiled. I was just glad to hear his voice again. I can hear the steady beat of the heart monitor and I just look at him. After awhile of talking, we both start to hear Luke waking up. He looks over at my direction to see that I'm awake. He smiles and hugs me tightly. I just couldn't help but smile like an idiot. I stayed two whole months in that bed after I woke up. On my last day, I got up and walked down to the cafeteria and ordered a hamburger. I was shaking a little and fell down a few times. Night was there beside while Luke was in school. He wanted to help me up and each time he did, I put up a struggle wanting to get up by myself. Evently I got my way and he stood beside me, and I would get his help. I ordered a cheeseburger, french fries and a soda. During that time in my bed, I got my nutrientes by an IV bag. I had gotten tired of it and tried to get to the cafeteria before but that usually ended with me face planting before I even got out the door. I tried this many times and it usually ended the same way. This time, I actually got there. I remember the next day that Night picked me and put me into the car. He drove me home and picked me up, setting me down on the couch. I just smiled and looked at him as if I could do everything as I did in the past. Luke was there taking care of homework and he came over to me and I started to help him the best I can...Sometimes using google but you didn't hear me say that. He got those answers all himself. Well not only google but also Night was full of info. I usually asked him first if I didn't know the answer and if that failed, we got google. It's not really cheating. I call it using your resources. I missed this so much and Night sat down and pulled my legs onto his lap. I tilted my head at him and he smirked at me. He started to tickle me and I start to squirm around, giggling. After a minute he stops and I start to breath heavily; out of breath. I smiled at him and he smiled back. Luke just smiled and continue to work on his homework. I will never forget my times with Night. If there is one thing I've learned. I won't take the time I have and do nothing. I'll spend my time with Night and the kids we have...Each star as a story and so do we but very rarely will a few people listen. The stars are like us in a way. They live, they die and so do we. I believe in one thing that the stars write something. Our fates? Our pasts? Our future? That's up to you to decide...What did I decide? I decided that me and Night was...Written in the stars...

The End

This was made for Night as a birthday present. He is a good friend and was a loving mate...He is still alive to my knowledge and is hopefully happy. As I am finishing this, Night has moved on and left me. I wish him a happy life and do everything he wish he could do. I don't know if he has ever read this fully but I hope he had. I wish nothing more than him to be happy and have a good life....Even if it may include that life without me. 

The story is now finished. Be watching for my story. It is called "Heaven Nor Hell."  Thank you for reading and please give me some feedback. After all, for some to get better, they need to access the things that they should fix. Anyways, I hope you'll have a nice year and the years to come. 

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