Chapter 6: Wanting back yesterday

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  Today marks that it has been 2 months...Before Night went to war. What happened was that there was a terrorist attack on the U.S. What happened was that a China took over part of Russia...It's so close to home, I can hear shells of the coast. I begged him to stay and I pleaded with him not to leave me...But he went anyway. He said in his last letter that he'll send me one letter a month at least, he promised. China allied with North Korea and Germany. America allied with Japan, Russia, Great Britain, France, and Italy. I write to him every day because the private school closed due to "risk factors." I'm stuck here in this house filled with memories of him. I cry because he's over there, getting shot at and here I am. Alive and well, living off of his paycheck. I clung onto him while he was leaving and he just picked me up and hugged me tightly, rocking me back and forth sitting down on the couch. I saw in his eyes that he didn't want to go and just want to be here with me. I fall asleep there in his arms and left me a note. He was gone by the morning and I saw the note. I read it and I hugged it tightly, crying. The only thing I've got left while he was over there was just his letters and the photos I've got of us together. This is my first time with him going out to war. The Chinese from what I've been told is getting closer and closer to my home each day. Apparently since we've got a port and a shipping line, that's the reason they're coming. My plan during this is to hide and pray to god that they don't find me. I sigh as I stand up from my desk. I write in my free time mostly and just lay there, coming up with stories. Not only that but also music in the background...Let me just say I got visits from the police telling me to turn it down...So I'm mostly a music lover. I would sometimes be in the kitchen, playing my music and shake back and forth. I would always hear Night chuckle and smile over at me. I sigh and smile softly, going over to the front door. I see what seems to be a...An army vehicle out in front of my yard. I slowly open the door and my eyes widen as I open the door. It's the Chinese and a guy is standing right in front of me. He seemed like he was just about to knock and I tilt my head. I knew that they were close just not this close. "H-Hey there. W-What can I help you with?" The soldier smiles softly and holds up his clipboard. He seems to be a golden retriever and alongside him to his right is a Husky that is holding what seems to be a rifle. Across the gun it says "Type 87." The soldier in front of me clears his throat as he holds his clipboard along with a pen. "Okay. You Foxe Game yes?" I just nod and step out of my house, closing the door behind me. "Yes. I am Foxe Game." He nods and looks down at his clipboard. Looking at the vehicle now, it seems to be a jeep. Both of the soldiers look at me and seem to be smiling softly. "You live with anyone else?" I slowly nod and rub my head. "Yes and he's a captain in the ar-" I cut off with a gun in my face and I raise to my head. I look at the golden retriever and gulp. "Is he there now?!" I can tell he's upset and mad. "N-No sir! H-He went into action and I've only heard of him once a month but that's it." Night didn't tell me how to handle war. I'm just going off of what I saw in the movies. "Y-You guys can check the house." They nod and I slowly go inside. The husky comes in and goes from room to room. Checking over everything. He comes back and just nods at the retriever. "House clear." He nods and writes something down and looks at me. "Have a nice day, kitsune." I nod and they leave the house. The war is now in my front yard and backyard. I've got nowhere to run or nowhere to hide. I have to follow their rules and what they tell me. Japan...Has fell...I've got now to wait and hope for that the U.S military comes back and set the country free. We've got to fast forward. I know what're thinking. "Why is he fast forwarding?" I'm fast forwarding because would you like me to explain each day to you? Oh yes, I picked up pizza, paid the taxes, paid the bills, wrote, read. Come on. I'm not doing that. Let's fast forward a year later and I'll explain what happened. China surrendered but the forces in Japan didn't let go and accept it. Germany surrendered along with North Korea. The military was taking back Japan slowly. My home became a hub for the Chinese general in my section. He lives in my house and he worked in the guest room. He slept on the couch, understanding that I have someone. He was nice and respectful towards me. We shared some stories and he seemed to be smiling. His name was called Kyle Norberg. Night had sent me letters each month and the general allowed me to read it without him or his team to read it. Today, nothing special was going on. I was writing and the general was in the guest bedroom, doing whatever he does. I suddenly hear gunshots and I lay down on the ground, crying. I hear shouts and someone rushing through the house. The boots sound heavy and I feel someone pick me up and hold me tightly, running out the house. I close my eyes tightly and continued to cry there. I'm eighteen years old and I've seen so much. I hear the guy whisper in my ear and it's sounds familiar. "Don't worry now Foxe. I'm back now and I'm bringing you home." It's Night. I hear what seems to be a helicopter and I get laid down in the chopper. We take off quickly and go out to the ocean. I can feel his hand touch all over my body. My feet first and I giggled like a schoolgirl because it's my tickle spot. Up my sides and to my hand at his side. I smile softly and slowly open my eyes. "You okay now Foxe?" I nod slowly and close my eyes. "Yes...Everything is better with you around." I can imagine him smiling and he slowly lifts me up, sitting me in his lap. "W-Where are we going?" "We're going to the aircraft carrier and you're going to get treated for your wounds." I nod slowly and I figured that he'd notice them. I had gotten beaten by the soldiers there and whipped. They said my behavior was bad and that's what the could do to me. They did this each day and the general did nothing but watched. "Now Foxe, get some rest. You need it." I slowly nod and fell asleep there, right in his arms. I'm happy that he came back for me. I'm glad that he saved me. Most of all, I'm thankful that he loves me.  

Written In The StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora