draft 4

19 5 1

i am a burden;
my past weighs like cement bricks strapped to my back. and as you get to know me, you also get to know of the unbearable tsunami that i would eventually unload. my trust obediently lies in your hands as my mouth speaks the incorrect chords to a song i never really knew. but that's how it is, isn't it? i should have known that god never existed and that light would only turn to dark. it was all inevitable, alike to everyone's death. but i never once stopped to think that maybe this world isn't always about me. there are seven billion people on earth who needs more attention than someone who's always so problematic — bitching about whether or not being alive is worth it which makes others upset. for what reason, i wish i knew. but it does. it always did. and i never realized until it was too late. the only thing i'll remember correctly is this simple fact:
i am a burden.

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