Chapter 1

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Chanyeol's  POV

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Chanyeol's  POV

This is me. I'm Park Chanyeol. I own lots of buildings, cars, money..but I can't own something that no money can buy...Her heart. Her by itself. My Rose...

She's got a heavy heart, a messy soul, a reckless mind.

Unapologetic and Honest. 

She is delightfully chaotic; A beautiful mess. Loving her is a splendid adventure...


I was rolling in my office chair, extra bored and tired . After finally checking myself out I realised I had some dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep . Well, this is what happens when you work for 20 h straight without eating, without resting, without thinking of the consequences. I ran my fingers through my hair frustratedly.

Typing and typing and typing in my white keyboard...Gosh, I'm tired...

After a long silence, I heard some sounds of heels making it's a way to my office. It went like click click, click click, tap tap ...Damn it was addicting. I then raised my head up, off from my pc as I saw her making her way inside . Eyeing her up and down, she was wearing all in black . She wore her darkness like some girls wear a little black dress. But why she looked so damn attractive in that dress ?. And as my eyes stopped to her face I analysed her lips. Gotta admit, that bold red lipstick is damn sexy on her. And damn her eyes. There was something breathtaking about those eyes .....

If you're ever wondering who the mysterious, sexy woman I just described, is...

well, I'm talking about  Park Rose . Well, I should say "Kim Rose " since she doesn't hold my last name any longer . Yeah ... Kim Rose is my ex-wife. "Ex ....".I get angry each time I have to remind myself that by law she's not mine any longer...but even God doesn't know how far I may go if I want something. And I want her ...All of her .. back in my life.

"Good Morning Rose". I looked up at her but she quickly sat down in her chair.

" Morning". She simply replied.

Silence....tick tock, tick tock ...all I could hear was my damn annoying office clock

" I brought the files you asked me to". Her timid voice broke the silence as she put the files down, in front of my table trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible. "You're again late with your work Rose ". I sighted frustrated as I removed my glasses and rubbed my eyes, then looked straight at her eyes as she sat in front of me ." I-i'm sorry I'm late with m-my work, Uhmmmm i-i I know I was supposed to bring it a week ago but I was really busy with Minjun i-is truly s-so". She was about to say but I cut her off. " How's Minjun ?". I asked her " He's good, he's at his grandmother for the week". she replied. 

And if you're wondering who Minjun is ... 

He's our son. Mine's and Rose's son. He's currently 3 years old and is one of the main reasons I live. My eyes stopped at her beautiful chest. I got lost in thoughts.....

It was a beautiful summer day when it started to heavily rain and her shirt was transparent so as my eyes stopped to her chest I could see through.. her black lacy bra and her amazing curves...

"Chanyeol? "

her voice brought me back to life. 

" Stop staring at my chest! " .she scolded me as she put her hands in front of her chest to cover herself. 

" I'm sorry, couldn't help it dear ...". I said mockingly as the corner of my lips raised into a smirk. It was a habit of mine now mess with her 

She stood up now, and placed her knuckles on my desk, leaning forward in a show of defiance, giving me a glare that she'd mastered in third grade. 

I was so thirsty to kiss her.  As a man that I am, I could give anything and everything just for a kiss from her beloved lips. And I was leaning closer and closer and closer .....

Until his unwanted presence walked in...

" Rose " 

he kissed her cheek...


-End of Chapter -

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoy. Please show lots of love and don't forget to comment on your thoughts. I'll be updating next time. Love y'all

This chapter is dedicated to 

Seducing my Ex Wife (Exo Chanyeol FF)Where stories live. Discover now