Chapter 20

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It was yet another cold day of november . The plain room in which Minjun was standing in was now being filled with teddy bears , chocholates ,games and all of Minjun's favourite stuff. "Be carefull you'll wake him ". Chanyeol told the nurse as she was making a lot of noise while opening the courtains. His head slowly turned towards the direction of were the light was coming from and he looked at the window . How he wished things were different somehow . It's been days that he'd been thinking of the divorce , of the new wedding while he was still unsure how his first marriage ended.

He sighted. It's really been hard times , but he knew he wasn't the only one feeling like this after all . He played with his fingers and tip toed the floor with the top of his shoe .He opened the window resting his hands to the handrail ,enjoying how the trees were slowly getting from yellow to naked , with no flowers ... almost white from the upcoming winter .

The wind blew in his face , a cold breeze ,that gave him chills. He reached up to lock the window when he heard a yawn coming from Minjun. He turned around with a big smile all over his face and he walked over to his bed , sitting down on the soft matress .

"Hey buddy you awake ?". He smiled and reached out his hand to play with Minjun's black hair. The boy smiled cutely showing his teeths that were turning black because of the big amount of sugar he was consuming.

Minjun gave him a slight nod his eyes almost closing again . Chanyeol chuchkled , turning his head towards the pile of books were he earlier put Minjun's drawing book . He reached out to get it , and finally gave it to the young boy . " I knew you'd want this baby " he smiled . 

Minjun was happy his father didn't forgot about this and he could see that when Minjun quickly started to draw. Chanyeol tried to pull on a conversation . "Minjun ah... Its ur bday soon. Do you want appa to buy u something ? " he asked softly . He was ready to spend millions for his baby .

"Yes appa ! I want you to spend Christmas with us ! " he said excited . Chanyeol's smile whipped off his face. "maybe I'll have work plus your mother probably..." .Minjun frowned . "You said you'd do anything I ask . What does mom has to do with this ? . Mommy and I  did the tree together but you weren't there appa. So that's why mom is probably so sad . If you loved mommy you'd come to cheer her up because that's what husbands do right ?".

The boy pouted innocently and Chanyeol' s heart started to beat hard . " Minjun what makes u think I don't love her ? People never marry if they don't love. Your mother is the prettiest woman in this world " he smiled dreaming about her .

"She has the most innocent innocent and shy as her in bed ....she's sincere ....a beautiful spirit that my careless turned into grief ...something bad ... But I still love her ..he continued while little Minjun just stared , trying to understand but he saw his father's eyes shining as he admired his mother .

" Minjun ah ...I'll be coming there for Christmas ". Chanyeol stated , determined to make her his again this time .

*time skip *
It had been a while since the snow started to fall down like crazy . It was hard for Chanyeol to drive but he was willing to do anything for Minjun , a promise is a promise after all. He pressed a button , cleaning the glass at the top so the view could get clearer , that's when he realised Rose's house was just a bit away so he took the short cut and shortly after he was in front of Rose's house,he parked the car and got out of it .

After lightly knocking on the door ,it opened up and he looked down to find a giggling Minjun . " Appa you came !" He smiled . Chanyeol nodded removing his shoes and coat and lifting Minjun in his arms . Walking towards the kitchen he was surprised to see not only Rose ..but apperantly his father was there .

"A-appa ? " he sounded confused . "Why are you h-here ?". He asked as he sat down ,Minjun playing with his dark hair . "Just wanting to spend some quality time with my nephew why ?" He pulled Minjun up to his lap .

"N-nothing I'm just surprised " . Chanyeol let out a soft chuckle . His eyes then slowly went towards Rose . He was hoping she wouldn't mind the fact that he was here too . He left two gifts down on the tree like he always would . 

Minjun started running around the place . "Mommy are the cookies ready yet ? " he asked impatient . "Minjun I just set them to bake will take another 40 minutes " . Rose sighted an lift the boy up , placing him in the counter .

"How about we play a game ? " . Mr .Park suddenly suggested . "Oh yes yes I love games !". Minjun got excited . " We put some music and dance to it . Who gets the best moves wins .Let's get in pairs , I chose Minjun ! ". He chuchkled and Chanyeol blushed , slightly rubbing the back of his neck and looked towards Rose who just looked at Minjun' s pleading face and that was enough for her to accept.

Chanyeol bit his lip . He loved how supportive his father was .He never doubted on their love no matter how many times his wife tried to convince him . He always believed they would reunite one day . 

Minjun ran towards the TV grabbing the remote and putting some kpop music . It was nice to watch him and his grandpa slowly dancing to the rhythm . So nice Rose didn't notice a hand slowly wrapping around her waist , making her breathing louder to be heard . Her body pulled towards his , making her have gossebums in her stomach . She turned around her hands snaking around his neck and the melody fulfilled their ears .

Minjun by the other hand was happily watching them , while grinning and whispering  secret magicall stuff on his grand father's ear. Eyes meeting each other sometimes trying to avoid , sometimes needing it more then air itself . Only if he'd knew that she was thinking of their weeding dance while being wrapped in his arms . And Only if she'd knew that he was thinking of hot nights as she was trapped in his arms .
End of Chapter 20
I'm so sorry I took so much to update , I was sooo busy with school but now its Christmas holidays so I have plenty time to write . I love you all for supporting me . thank you 💗💖💝💚💙❤💛💘💔💔💕💓💜💟💞
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