Chapter 23

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"You just have to make sure no one knows about it and i'll pay you real good dear " . She chuchkled devilishly .
"Oh don't worry sugar pie ...your secret is safe with me .." His eyes shined when she showed him the pack of money ..."Ma'am I won't let you down " . he bowed ,
"You better not , my dear , or else ...."


After taking some 3 hour nap Rose finally got up groggily , rubbing the sleep out of her eyes with the balls of her hands . She straight ahead went to shower ; the bathroom was ungodly cold , making her shiver as she stepped through the door. Someone must've left the window open all night and freezing gusts of air blew thought the white curtains .The water was almost too hot compared to the icy room but she welcomed the  burning spray on the back of her neck . It made her happy to realise that she was having a nice, quiet and alone shower without having to take care of the little boy but it did worry her that Minjun might wake up from second to second .

After the warm shower , she quickly dried of in front of the mirror where she did her usual makeup while combing her hair

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After the warm shower , she quickly dried of in front of the mirror where she did her usual makeup while combing her hair .
Nowadays she couldn't find the time to give herself a full nice image but she was still happy with the results , as long as Chanyeol would always tell her , you're beautiful .
She heard a faint knock come from downstairs , so she ran to the kitchen , then to the hall where the main door was located and answered it , only to see no one around .
She took some more steps further only to see if someone was pulling a prank on her when suddenly a pair of arms hugged her tightly and the worst part of it was that she didn't even knew who this person was .
Well she was defenetely weirdd out so she quickly ran inside , locking the door , her heart beating rapidly, almost falling out of her chest as she panted .
What was this ? ..." She thought but when she heard little minjun cry , all she was thinking of was her baby and how to calm him down .
"Ma'am , the photos are taken and photoshooped , they will be sent to you in less then one hour , please send the pay check " .

"Great job, I knew I could trust you dear ..."

It's been days since Chanyeol's been working till late hours in his lovable office which forever had piles of papers going on, needing to be signed .
Never in his mind he didn't stop thinking of Rose or Minjun , he couldn't wait to go home and feel Rose's dainty body against his huge one , cuddling him to sleep . And Minjun was the most adorable person to ever exist , especially when he would sleep in Rose's hands .

He missed home . But  while driving all he could think of was that notification .
Mr. Park Chanyeol
______________ $$ has been transfered to another bank account on 26/01/2018 . The current amount left is __________________ $$.

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