Chapter 13

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Rose's PoV

Two strong arms were wrapped around my body , protecting it from falling further down ...

I buried my ears into the calm of his heartbeat ...and in a matter of seconds it felt like i fell terribly in love with the softness of his chest...

"Rose? " his deep voice echoed through the tiny , thick walls . His voice was like whiskey.  Smooth with a slow burn that lit me up inside .

"Are you okay ?" He asked ,his voice showing concern .

I shifted away , breaking and pulling from the embrace i was in and turned around facing him .
"Yes " . I gave him a nod of assurement . 

Silence fullfilled the place and i catched a stare from his big brown eyes..

He had those kind of eyes that shone with the light of "everything will be ok "...

But was it okay really ?... I looked up at his eyes lost..untill they looked up to the door and they widened when a lock sound was heard...

Could Zitao really gone this crazy ?. He run fast towards the door while i looked down in hope ... This wasn't a game ..i just couldn't and wouldn't be able to stay with him in here...

I don't know why but i started to panic . Without thinking i ran to the door and my fists came in contact with the rough metalic door as i banged on it .

"TAO !" . I let out a yelp ."TAO please stop this and open the door " . I pleaded , terrified of facing the reality . I banged and banged helpless .

"Stop it i'ts useless " . His rough sharp voice almost ordered me and i turned around facing him , my breath hitching as i saw how close he was..

"Don't act like this Rose ..." he furrowed his eyebrows ...he seemed hurt ...Maybe my over reaction made him think i feared him ....i sighted ...

Sitting down in a corner i thought ....No Chanyeol ...i just fear falling in love with what hurt me most ...all over again ...

Chanyeol's POV

I stared into her eyes , trying to figure out how she felt ...but nothing came from them ...i wandered my eyes lower , to her lips but only silence came out .

I drank her silence like liquor , and it destroyed me the same ,but i fell for all of her ,hopelessly and endlessly. My soul will always be lifted when she walks in the room and my  blood will always dance when her breath passes through me .

I did not know what we could do ....was silence all what was happening to us tonight ?....

My head spinned around searching for a hint of something and i found it laying on the floor . Old and used...

I picked the bottle up and shifted towards her as she peeked through her  shirt , curious of what was i doing .

" Let's play truth or dare "  .

She looked up at me and gave me a simple look would distract her anyways so why not ...

As i was about to spin the bottle, her hand reached for it , our hands making the electricity as they touched , just like in the movies .

She quickly flinched her hand away and i rolled my eyes , grabbing the bottle and spinning it ...

It fell into her and she looked up with questioning eyes .

"Truth or Dare ?" . I asked , anticipating her answer...

"Both " .she spoke gently .

"Truth...tell me how you really feel ...Dare ..Prove it ..".

Her eyes were shocked while i stared into them , wanting to be loved again ...You love me dont you say it and kiss me..

My eyes pleaded as i stared at her ...."W-what do you m-mean ?" . Her voice shivered and i knew she was afraid to face the reality .

"Tell me Rose Park Chanyeol still running through your mind or not ? ...I don't know what our relationship is to you cause it's been long since i don't use the term 'ex-wife ' when it comes to you ". I breathed heavily as i looked down .

Her eyes were shining like she was about to cry...

"Thinking of you is a poision i drink often Rose "...

"And all of this ..feeling means something....and i want to know how you feel ...cause How you're acting is confusing me why don't you just tell me how you really feel ?" My voice cracked and i looked at her.

Her lips were slightly parted as tears threatened to spill out of her eyes .

Nervously , i put my hands to her face , whiping away those crystal tears that the world did not deserve and i leaned down .

In a single second my lips made contact with her soft plump ones and she froze ...while i moved mines.

I kissed her and i forgot how to breath ... it just didn't seem as important at the time .


End of Chapter 13 .

It is just as i promised and i hope you like it .

Sneak peak : This is only pt.1 so there's more you have to wait for heheh .

Sorry for any grammar mistake and don't forget to vote and comment .

Love y'all

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