Chapter 18

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*flashback *

"How come you rarely open up to somebody ?" she mumbled staring at the man , she seemed so childish .

"My heart is locked ".His deep voice said , making her confused. 

"But hearts don't have locks " she said . 

Some do , he replied . There are people who give away the key to theirs for safekeeping .Others are mistrustful and give out several keys just in case . Then there are those who have misplaced them but never cared to look.

" What about your heart ?" she asked .

He smiled.

"Your heart is the key to mine , so pour love to me " . 

*end of flashback *

I stared at the picture i was holding in my hand . Chanyeol ...why do i have a pic of you in my hand ? 

I didn't  want to fall i love . Not at all .But at some point you smiled and holy shit i blew it ....

And one day your name didn't make me smile anymore....

You Promised .

You gave me  your word , you filled me with hope and security . You told me the things i needed to hear to take the chance and make the jump with you . 

You made me feel like i was worth it , I was what you wanted .                                                                         But you shattered that all quite well .You couldn't take it anymore . You turned around and let me falling without you .                                                                                                                                                        You promised me you wouldn't but you did . And u gave up on us ..

And now it still kind of hurts when I hear your name . I know what we had between us is over  , but it's just too hard to think , that we used to text for hours . Look at us now . We're strangers again . 

And by the way it's the lonliest thing in the world to see you everyday and remember you once meant the world to me . 


Boxes of chocholates were laid on the small dinning table as he made it's way to her room. There was only a small light ,shining from her  son's room . As soon as he entered the house he spotted the difference almost immediately. He'd seen her missing work for so many days , he thought she was sick and that's why he brought some tablets with himself. But it all came in a reality when he heard some light sobs coming from that small plain and orange room she loved decorating once in a while . 

Now it all looked like an empty soul...the atmosphere was so gloomy . When he'd come he would usually be greeted with her smile that never failed to make his heart beat , he would hug the kid , even if it wasn't his , but now ...what could make her so silent ? what could make her beautiful pearly smile dissappear ? .

He was confused . What happened to her ?. He let out a sight of  exhaustion as he lightly knocked on her dorm .

*no response *

He knocked again this time louder .

*no response * 

He simply pushed the door open . His heart ached as he saw her covered in blankets and crying her soul out . 

"Why'd you lock yourself here in the darkness ?" .  i asked her in a soft tone as i sat down on the edge of the bed . 

"Go away Namjoon-ah ..." . Rose mumbled in a sore and dry voice . Probably because she's been crying for hours. 

"No i won't go away untill you explain every single detail why are you like this . Why Rose ...?" . i mumbled softly looking at her now, puffy cheeks and red eyes . 

"Just go away !!! " . She yelled a bit and i flinched . I wasn't use to seeing Rose like this . 

"No Rose fucking get up and stop this ! " . i grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up only to soften as she looked up at me .She began crying again , she looked broken ...destroyed . "Rose ....." . 

I sighted as i hugged her waist bringing her to my chest "I'm sorry i got mad hmmm ?" i lift her easily from the ground and  took her to the living room as she let out a soft squeak .  I carefully put her down to the black and beige comfortable sofa , and after i sat down as well gently pushing away some hair that fell on her face . 

"Now....tell me everything that happened.....I'm here to comfort you..." i almost pleaded her ....

And then she slowly began opening up to me , her eyes watery since the beggining , and i playing with  her light brown long hair . 


7 pm . Afternoon .

"Minjun ah ... please try to let your mother sleep  okay ? . She's been really tired .." i whispered to the young boy as i wrapped her in blankets . He nodded and i gave him a kiss in his cheeks along with some money "Buy yourself a good treat okay " . i smiled at him and ruffled his hair. Once i made sure he locked the door i left to Chanyeol's office. 

he destroyed me . 

Those words kept running into my mind and i was a furious of the way he acted , he had the world in the palm of his hands and now it's all just a shame. 

"You son of a bitch ! " 

I punched the shit out of him "ASSHOLE " . I raised my fist again ready to hit him but he held it tight. 

"Are you her hero now .. " his voice cracked . I pulled away and backed . 

"I will kill you " . I glared hard in his painfull eyes that were covered in dark circles from lack of sleep . 

"I have watched Criminal minds and Csi . I can kill you in  50 ways and still make it look like an accident. So who's killing who now ?" . The smartass chuchkled and i fummed from anger . 

" You made her cry ... " . I stared deadly in his eyes . "Don't you know how much i hate you about that ?" i growled . No emotion came from his face . 

"I hate myself ". he mumbled and i was a bit surprised .

He put a hand on my shoulder . 

"The next time you , no matter what she says , listen to her well . If she cries ,give her a handkerchief and wait untill she's done crying . If she curses me , curse with her .And if by any chance she asks about me , tell her i'm sorry ". 

And with that , i left . 

I don't know why but was i the only one who saw through my ex best friend's heart ?

he was destroyed .






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