Chapter Three

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Jaymi's POV

Olly seemed to be okay. How couldn't I tell he wasn't well. I am such an idiot, what if something happens to him now! I need to see him!

Normal POV

Jaymi was currently in the waiting room of the hospital. Pacing backwards and forwards while Olly was been examined by the doctors.

"Family of Oliver Marmon," Said a male doctor.

Jaymi instantly stopped and looked up at the doctor.

Jaymi gulped before speaking "Yes."

"Who are you exactly?" The doctor questioned.

"I'm his fiancé."

"Okay, would you like to follow me please."

The doctor lead the way through the long corridor which lead to many other rooms, when they reached Olly's room the doctor stopped and looked at Jaymi,

"Olly is been monitored at the moment just until we figure out what made him pass out and what is causing him to be in so much pain, but until then he will have to stay in hospital," said the doctor

"Okay thank you so much."

"No problem its my job."

The doctor then stepped aside and let Jaymi into Olly's room. Jaymi slowly opened the door and walk into Olly's room. Olly was lying on he hospital bed looking so pale and drained Jaymi just want to engulf Olly into a massive hug and make the pain go away.

Olly's eyes slowly started to open as Jaymi sat down in the chair next to Olly's bed.


Sorry for the short and dragged out chapter next chapter will be better.

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