Chapter Four

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As soon as Olly opened his eyes Jaymi felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest, but you could see the pain that Olly was in just by looking at him.

"Hey," Olly said just above a whisper.

"Hey, how you feeling?"

"Okay, I'm still in pain a little bit but not as much as before.... I passed out."

"Do you want me to get a doctor so he can give you something to take away the pain a bit?" Jaymi said quickly.

"No no, I'm okay for a little bit but I'll tell you if I need anything."

"You better because after earlier I hope you've learnt to tell me if you need something."

Just as Jaymi finished speaking the doctor that had confronted Jaymi before walked into the room looking down at a clipboard which he was holding with his left hand. The doctor stop at the top of Olly's bed at looked at Jaymi and Olly.

"Okay, the result from the tests show that your appendix is inflamed which as you many know can be very dangerous, as for we are going to have to operate as soon as possible. I will come back later once we have sorted a slot in theatre for you, also if you in any pain just ring the bell which is by the bed and someone will come in and give you some pain relief."

"Okay, thank you," Jaymi said for Olly.

"Also, if you have any question don't afraid to ask me or any other of my colleagues," the doctor added.

Jaymi looked over at Olly as the doctor left the room, Olly was just starring blankly at the plain white wall opposite the bed.

"Ol, are you okay?" Jaymi asked in a worried tone.

Olly slowly replied, "Yeah, Yeah I'm okay it's just a lot to take in, with having the operation and that."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, what is it?" Olly replied in a confused tone.

"Why didn't you tell me you were in serious pain, I could if helped you, and you probably wouldn't of passed out and worried everybody sick," Jaymi said in a serious tone, while looking at Olly in the eyes.

"It's because I didn't want anybody fussing over me because I had a bit of a stomach ache...."

"But Ol it wasn't just 'a bit of a stomach ache' was it. I was something WAY worse than that. Olly you could of died and I would not be able to live without if that had happened!"

A tear formed in Olly's eye as Jaymi spoke "I didn't mean to make you this upset I just wanted to cope with it myself I am not 8 years old, I should be able to cope!"

Olly now was full on crying and Jaymi stepped forwards and hugged Olly while whispering comforting words into his ear.

"...Shh....shhhh.... it's gonna be okay don't worry....."

Olly leaned out of the hug and looked at Jaymi in the eyes before speaking. "Are you mad at me cause you have every right to be?"

"No, no I'm not mad at you why would you think that?"

"Because I have just completely messed up," Olly said in an angry tone.

"Ol, you haven't just completely messed up, yeah you might have made a tiny mistake of not telling you were in serious pain but that's it. You didn't just blow up the world did you know," Jaymi said with a smirk.

Olly smiled and hugged Jaymi again, "How come you always make me feel better when I down?

"I love you that's why."

After a while, they realised their hug and sat in a comfortable silence with their hands linked. They just forgot about the operation and just enjoyed the moment.


Jaymi and Olly had been sat in silence for 15 minutes until the doctor came back in to say when Olly was going to have his operation.

"Okay, Mr Marmon you will go into theatre in about 20 minutes so I will send a nurse in the give you the pre meds as soon as I leave and that's in, but don't worry there is a very low chance of anything going wrong. Oh, and we will probably be in theatre for about 1 hour," The doctor left the room again.



"I'm terrified!"

"Don't worry yourself you heard what the doctor said there is a very low chance of something going wrong and if there did I would probably kill that doctor."

Olly grinned for a moment before he spoke again, "Okay, thanks."

"No problem, that's what I'm hear for."

After a minute a nurse came in to give Olly his pre meds and then they sent Olly of to theatre. Which left Jaymi in Olly's room by himself.

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