Chapter Six

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Olly's POV

What has happened? Why does my stomach hurt so much? Why am I in hospital? Where's Jay?

Normal POV

Olly lay in bed confused until everything came rushing back. he look to the side and saw and note from Jaymi. Olly read the note.

'Had to go back to the arena,so i'm leaving my phone here ring or text one of the boys when you wake up'  Jay xxx

Olly grabbed Jaymi's phone and rang JJ


I was just having my hair done when my phone started rimging in my pocket. I took my phone out my pocket, and saw that Olly was calling me, I answered it straight away.

"Hey Olly."

"Oh, erm, Hey, is Jaymi there because he sort od rold me to call him when I wake up," Olly replied in a crackled voice.

"Yeah, sure one minute," JJ shouts for Jaymi "Jay, Olly's on the phone he wants to talk to you."

Jaymi's POV

"Hey Ol, are you okay? Are you in any pain?" asked Jaymi nervously.

"Hi. I'm in a little bit of pain but it just a little sting, it not bad so don't worry about me," Replied Olly

"Sorry I'm not there but i said that we wasn't going to cancel the show. I'm going to come in, in the morning and see whats happening and to see when your getting discharged."

"I'm sorry I've caused such a fuss I should of just called Sian."

"Don't say that, you need my so you came to me. Look Olly I've got to go on stage now so I'll call you later. Love you bye."

"Love you to bye."


The next morning Jaymi went to see Olly in hospital. Jaymi calmly walked through the hospital Olly was staying in. When the older boy reached Olly's bed  he was in a boastful sleep, Jaymi quietly walked up to Olly and gently and slowly shook the ill boy wake.

"Hey," Jaymi said in a sweet voice as he sat down on the chair next to Ollys bed, "How you feeling?"

Olly gave Jaymi a small smile as he woke up. "I'm feeling okay to be fair, I'm not in that much pain. So, when can I be reeled? I don't really like hospital they're depressing," The sleepy boy asked as he slowly woke up from he blissful sleep. 

"I haven't asked the doctor yet, one minute i'm going to go and ask him. He's your doctor right?" Olly slowly nodded his head as the older boy went to ask the doctor.

Jaymi quickly walked back to Olly's bed side and quickly said "Okay, so you can go home to but the doctor just needed to check you over one more time and the we just need to fill out the discharged forms."

"Thank god for that I really don't like this place."

Olly's doctor slowly walked over to the two boys and looked at Olly's notes.

"So, everything looks good here, I will just have to have a look at the stitches to make sure nothing is infected or coming out," The doctor quickly examined the stitches.


I am so sorry for not updating ive been really busy and haven't have time to write much. Also, I didn't really know how to write the chapter and that so comments and ideas would be really apresiated.


Hope your having a great holiday x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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