chapter ii

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-Sophia's POV-

After the final bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, I walked out of Calculus with Jeff.

"Jeff, thank you so much for showing me around today. I'm truly grateful. You're incredible,"I said.

He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "It's really no problem. Just hit me up if you need anything,"he responded.

"And you can hit me up for Spanish lessons,"I giggled, making him laugh.

"Thanks Sophia,"he replied.

I said,"Oh, you can call me Soph by the way."

"Alright. Well I have to catch the bus, but I'll see you tomorrow alright?"he smiled.

I nodded. "Okay, can't wait." I gave him a quick hug before he walked out the doors.

I started walking in that direction too, but I stopped when I heard someone running towards me.

I turned around and saw Zach jogging over. "Hey Sophia,"he greeted.

"Hey, what's up?"I responded.

"I just wanted to ask if you need a ride home,"he said, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"Thanks, but I have a ride,"I replied.

He nodded. "Oh, okay. Well I was wondering if i could have your number."

I had given my phone number to a few people throughout the day (Jeff, Sheri, Clay, and Jessica) so I didn't really mind putting it in his phone.

As I handed it back, he said,"By the way, if you ever want anyone to give you a tour of the city, just call or text me. I would love to show you around."

I smiled, nodding. "I would love that. Thanks, Zach." He just smiled in response. "Well, I should get going. See you around,"I said, walking out the doors.

I got into my mom's car and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, mom."

"Hey sweetie. How was school?"she asked.

I answered,"Surprisingly, it was great. Everyone's super nice here."

"I'm glad. Got any homework?"she continued, starting to drive out of the parking lot.

I replied,"Yeah, loads. But the work's pretty easy, so I don't mind."

"It's so nice seeing you happy. I'm sorry we had to move away from your friends, but I think it was the right choice."

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Me too, mom. I don't want to think of those two monsters,"I mumbled.


When I got home, I got a phone call from an unknown number. I figured it was one of the people from school, so I answered. "Hello?"

"Hey, Sophia. It's Zach."

"Oh, hey. What's up?"I greeted.

He replied,"Nothing much. I just wanted to ask if you were free tonight. I know this is kind of weird since we don't even know each other that well and I'm calling you so quickly but-"

I cut him off, laughing. "No, it's okay Zach. And yeah, I'm free. Why?"

"Bryce Walker is having a small party thing. I thought it would be fun if you came. And you could meet more people,"he explained.

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