chapter xii

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(A/N: Every season makes me more and more in love with Zach Dempsey, and even though this season was terrible, my love for Zach grew so much.)

Liked by justinfoley33, clayjensen and 3,626 others

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Liked by justinfoley33, clayjensen and 3,626 others

sophia.fernandez been waiting weeks for this, he's coming back home :)

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hannahbaker ❤️

justinfoley33 Cant wait to see you pal @zachdempsey

jessica_davis love you zach!

-Sophia's POV-

"You're doing great, babe,"I said as the nurse helped Zach into his wheelchair. He was finally getting discharged, and we were all so grateful for it. It was not fun being in the hospital for the last two weeks, worrying about my best friend. I skipped school to help Zach's mom take him home. She refused of course, but I'm quite stubborn when it comes to the people I care about.

Mrs. Dempsey asked,"You feeling okay, Zachy?"

He pushed some of his hair back and grimaced. "Everything still hurts."

"Well at least we're going home,"she replied. The nurse needed some paperwork signed, so Mrs. Dempsey left the room with her.

I sat on the hospital bed beside Zach's wheelchair and let out a deep breath. He had a cast on his left leg and one on his right arm as well. A small bandage covered the stitches on his face, and there were still prominent bruises around his body. He looked so broken.

I put my hand on top of his and whispered,"I am so glad that you're okay." He smiled lightly and nodded.

"Do you- Uh, do you want to talk about that night?"I asked quietly. We hadn't talked much about the accident, none of us really mentioned it. We all just wanted him to be okay.

Zach sat up slightly and looked into my eyes. "Look, I'm-"

Right then, Mrs. Dempsey walked into the room. "Alright, everything's good to go. Let's go home." This was the first time I had seen her genuinely smile since the accident. It made me smile.

I got up and pushed Zach's wheelchair, following Mrs. Dempsey out of the hospital. As the cool breeze hit us, Zach took a deep breath. "Freedom at last,"he mumbled.

Once we were at Zach's house, I sat in the living room as Mrs. Dempsey prepared lunch. Zach sat beside the couch in his wheelchair with his leg straight out. "You okay?" I asked. He nodded in response, staring at the TV.

"Now, tell me about the night of the accident. What was going through your mind at the party?"I asked, sitting on the couch beside him.

Zach looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I thought you liked Jeff, and I got jealous."

"Why?"I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.

He took a deep breath. "Bryce was saying all this stuff about Jeff stealing you and it made me so mad. It's stupid, but I was hoping you would like me. Because, uh, I love you, Sophia. I want you to be my girlfriend."

My heart was pounding out of my chest. I always had a feeling that he liked me, but hearing these words come out of his mouth made it real. But I didn't want this right now. It's not right. I sighed,"Zach, I absolutely adore you, but-"

Zach looked away and mumbled,"But you don't feel the same. Whatever, I get it. It's okay."

I put my hand on his and quickly said,"No, it's not that. Trust me, I definitely want to spend more time with you. I just want to make sure you're okay first. I know you just went through this traumatic thing and I don't want you saying all these things before you get better and think everything through."

"You know I'm okay, right? Nothing happened to my brain or whatever. I felt this way before the accident and I will continue feeling this way when I'm all fixed up."

I bit my lip and nodded. "I believe you. But just give it some time, please."

Zach took my hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss. "When I get better, I will still be feeling the same way,"he assured.

I smiled and said,"Fine, then ask me to be your girlfriend then. Just focus on yourself for now."

Mrs. Dempsey announced,"Lunch is ready!"

I wheeled Zach into the kitchen and situated him at the table before sitting beside him.

We had lunch, with the conversation mostly consisting of Mrs. Dempsey scolding Zach on what he could and couldn't do until he got better. It was quite amusing watching Zach's reactions.

When she left to run errands, Zach tossed his head back and groaned. "She's making my head hurt."

I laughed and took him back to the living room. "Do you want to watch a movie?"I asked, plopping down on the couch beside his wheelchair.

"Soph, thank you so much for taking care of me. I truly mean it, you're the best. But please, go home and rest for a bit. I know you've been with me nonstop for the past few days, and your mom is probably super stressed out. You need to go home,"he said.

I replied,"Okay, but I don't want to leave you alone. I'll just wait until your mom or May get home. Trust me, I don't mind being here with you for a bit longer." I kissed his cheek and smiled.

Zach smiled back and turned to the TV. "Fine, pick a movie."

"By the way, Zach, my mom doesn't mind me being here. She adores you, and she even came and visited you a few times while you were in a coma,"I informed.

Zach's face lit up with a smile. "I'm glad she likes her daughter's future girlfriend,"he winked.

I laughed and shook my head. "You're so annoying."

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