A summers ball pt one

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I wanted to do the winters ball but I just did a Fourth of July soooo

Third pov but focusing on John:

John was sitting on him bed, legs swinging in the air  talking to his teddy bear named 'Alex jr.' it had a photo of Alex taped over the bear face. He put on his most romantic voice and said,"OH MY DEAR ALEXANDER HAMILTON! My dearest and most coolest bro! I would give up turtles for you! When I see your beautiful face my tummy feels like I'm going to throw up but not in a bad way. My face burns like the last guy to mess with Eliza. Again, not in a bad way. Your so cute! I love how squishy and snuggleable you are. Your hair is so soft it feels like you took the fur off of a chinchilla and stuck it on your head. Every time I look at you I have to talk myself out of kissing you right then and there!"

He saw that Alex was home so he hid Alex Jr. and struck his most normal pose. The door creaked as it opened. Alex stood there looking at John thinking 'wow he's so nonchalant and relaxed, not' John said," Heyyy bud, chum, frendo. Do you have a date for the summers ball?" Alex blushed furiously and hid his face with his hands"N-no... whydya ask?" 

Oh shit here it comes John thought before asking,"*INHALE* do you think you would want to go with my to the summers ball like as a date I mean date I mean FRIENDDSS!" Alex was screaming internally but tried to remain calm," YES SURE I WILL BE UOUR DATE FRIEND DATE!" He then ran into the bathroom to dance and text the squad


Peggyisme: I SHIP IT DID YOU KISS?!?!

John heard a squeak from the bathroom as soon as that text arrived

GAYBOI: were going as friend dates

Hotpants: aww

Lizard: you two are adorable

Longassname: I smell romance

Angie:stfu they will get embarrassed and come over so we can get ready

Sorry it's short but I need lots of time for a good story

Opposites attract: Lams fluffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora