Army v/s Politician

22 8 5

I seriously hate it when this to get mixed ya I know you all must be thinking what am I trying to say right .

So the fact that I am telling you is that that I simply hate when politician interfere in the work of the army (AM CLEARY TALKING ABOUT INDIAN POLITICIAN AND INDIAN ARMY AND NO OTHER COUNTRIES ARMY AND POLITICIAN ARE INVOLVED HERE)I mean like how can you even think to interfere in their decisions by sitting in your air conditioned cabin over a cup of Rs.250 coffee when you clearly don't know in what situation the army men are living.

In the recent days Major Gogoi has tied a stone pelter in his jeep for the protection of the civilian living in Jammu and Kashmir and we the civilian are really proud of his deed but some stupid politician want to be the 'MAHANTA KI MURAT' so they are giving the same stone pelter a sum of Rs.18 lakhs as a compensation.

Wow really superb and now if I will say that the politicians are directly supporting these kind of activities all over India then I suppose I am not wrong what say.

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