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What the hell is wrong with you people,  why you people have to point out that we Bihari's can't write or speak proper English it is some what true that we hesitate to speak English with people cause we aren't fluent in it but we can definitely wrists a proper one.

We don't go and tell people listen dude you know what Bihar has given to India or to the world yup right so let me just increase your general knowledge let's start Bihar contribution to the world-

1. Zero(0) which is the most important number for the physist,  mathematician, chemists, banker and etc is given by Aryabhatta who is a Bihari.

2. Most of the world follow Budhism and Jainism  there founder as in Prince Siddhartha or popularly known as Buddha and Mahavira Jain are the Prince of Bihar and if you don't beleive me you can definitely check your class six history book

3. India's first president Dr. Rajendra Prasad  was a Bihari.

4. Obviously we are different because we belong to the only state in the whole world who has taught us to first bow down in front of the setting sun and then the rising sun.

5. We people from the Bihar were the first state to accepect Hindi as our national language.

We don't disrespect you all so it isn't wrong for us to expect a bit of respect from you people.

Thank you😊😃

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