decisions part two

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John met with his sister on a Thursday after school. She had already ordered him a hot vanilla latte and herself a glass of brandy. She wasn't drunk yet (thank any God there was) when John arrived.

"Johnny!" Harry greeted him with one of her famous bear hugs that seemed to last for eternities. When she released him, John took all of her in. Harry's hair was a bright teal colour, and her eyes and lips were lined with a hot pink hue. She smelled like lilacs, and John felt an overwhelming sense of love for her.

"I've missed you so much, Harry." John says once they've sat down across each other.

"I've missed you, too. How's school? How's mum? How's the girls?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Which one?" Harry giggled.

"The, uhm, girls."

His sister quirked a turquoise eyebrow.

"Mum told me that she accepts you for who you are, no matter your sexuality."

"I know," Harry nodded. "We meet every week for coffee."

"Oh, well."

"She told me that she thinks you're gay, too."

"I'm not gay. I like girls."

"And boys?"

John doesn't answer.

"I take that a yes," Harry sips her brandy. "You know, Johnny, there are options other than straight and gay."

John blinked, surprised. "There are?"

"Of course! Have you ever heard of bisexuality?"


"It's what you identify as when you're attracted to both boys and girls."


"That's probably what you are, but truthfully, you don't even need a label. Sometimes they're just easier."

"What are you?" John inquired.

"Oh, I am gay, homosexual, only girls."

John couldn't help but laugh.

"Anyways, how's school?" Harry changed the subject, and some part of John was sad that she does. He had so many more questions he wanted to ask his sister, but maybe a label was all he needed. Now, John Watson was almost sure that he was bisexual, and maybe he was okay with that.

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