recruited part two

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When John told his mother he joined the army, she cried. He insisted he wouldn't be in the combat zone (that was a lie) and that he wouldn't die (hopefully that wasn't a lie, but it was something John would have to come to terms with).

His father nodded his head. "'M proud of you, son. Fighting for the liberty of our country is a big deal." John didn't tell him that he really wouldn't be fighting.

John trained for six months, along with another boy from St. Bart's named Rory. He was nice enough and fairly good at what he did, but John was always the one who was quickest at stitching up a wound and identifying what medication should be given to someone in a particular situation. The army doctor who was training them told John he was a natural, and John smiled the rest of the day.

John was almost nineteen when he was shipped off to Afghanistan. There, his entire world would change.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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