Back At One

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CeCe couldn't stand it anymore.

"Ray, can I talk to you please?" she whispered, taking hold of the sleeve of his shirt, "It's important." she added, her voice low.


The cool morning air whirled around them, whipping Cecilia's hair, disheveling it, but none of that mattered, not now, not when so much was on her mind.

Ray Ray stared on as CeCe's bottom lip began to quiver, but she never met his gaze, preoccupying herself, toying with the hem of her jacket. He watched as she sniffled and her face turned bright burgundy. With shaky fingers, she reached up and wiped her runny nose.

Ray Ray himself, wasn't even quite sure what to say or do. He wasn't used to seeing Cecilia cry, and the fact that it all revolved around him, made it all the more conflicted.

"Uh, I...I um, I think," CeCe stuttered, slowly raising her fragile gaze to met his.

"I think we should just let it go." she whispered.

"Ce -----" Ray Ray started but was cut short.

"Let me finish," she added, putting up a hand, motioning for him to stop.

"I understand that you have feelings for her. And I will no longer be a burden. I see where your heart is, and although I wish it was with me, I now see that it is not. So I am willing to let you go and accept it." she explained.

The whole time she talked, Cecilia fought hard to keep the tears from falling as Ray Ray stared at her intently.

"So this is goodbye?" Ray Ray asked, quirking a brow.

"It seems so," she replied nodding.

Sighing hard, she pursed her lips, she now couldn't even stop the tears, for the ran hotly down her cheeks, warming her face. She began sniffling and wiping away her tears.

Ray Ray reached out to hold her, but she shrugged away.

"Please..." she murmured, "just don't." she begged.

"Don't what?" he asked.

"Make this any harder." she cried.

"I Uh, I think I should go." she added, "But um, thank you."

(Back In The House)

"Well you guys, I guess this is it. This is goodbye" she announced.

"You're leaving?" the girls cried incredulously.

"Yep," she confirmed nodding.

"But you can call me," she added.

"But you just got here," Gianna cried.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," she confessed.

As she hugged everybody, she breathed hard, trying to keep the tears from falling before them.

"It was nice seeing you guys again," she said to the Mindless Behavior boys then turned to the girls, and it was nice meeting you guys!" she added.

(Outside to Themselves)

"I'm sorry CeCe," he whispered.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry it couldn't work out, I really am," she murmured.

Nodding his head, he opened his arms to her, "At least one more hug as friends, before you go?" he asked.

She nodded, and walked into his embrace and out of his life for the last time.

Ray Ray couldn't explain how he felt, but he knew that it was officially over. And a part him ached with the fact, eating away at him.

Love on the Rocs (a Mindless Behavior Love Story) Rated PG-13-ROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora