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Ray Ray walked back into his room to get his iPod and found a big bag on his bed.

"What the hell is this?" he asked, unzipping the bag, he found shirts, jeans and shoes amongst other items.

"I'm going home." Amani announced flatly.

"You're doing WHAT?!" Ray Ray bellowed.

"You heard me, I'm going home." she repeated.

"Why the hell are you going home?"

"Because, you're trifflin', low down, grimy, dirty, and no good."

"Are you serious, you've got to be kidding me!" Ray Ray yelled.

"Don't scream at me!" Amani cried.

"But you sitting here accusing me of some BS and you yelling at me." he reasoned.

"That still don't give you the got damn right to yell at me."

"And this still don't give you the right to leave me." Ray Ray muttered.

"Boy, please." Amani snickered, "I'm up out of here." she announced as she slung her bag over her shoulder and sauntered out of the room.

Ray Ray watched out of his bedroom window as Amani got into a car and was chauffeured away.

Picking up his phone, he dialed a number.

After three rings, the phone clicked over, "Hello?"

"Hey, this is Ray Ray, I need a big favor, come for me."

"Cool, be ready in fifteen."

"Aight, cool, peace."



"Nic, baby, thank you soo much." Cecilia mewled, hugging Dominic from behind.

"Who is this lil' fool to you baby, have you been cheating on me with this pipsqueak?" Dominic asked, looking back at CeCe.

"No, baby, like I said, he's nothing to me." Cecilia reasoned, "I just don't like his girl."

"Is he your ex or something?" Dominic pushed.

"Baby, why you asking me all these questions?" Cecilia whinned.

"Cuz, I just want to know."

"Well I've told you already."

(Rhian & Roc)

"Baby what are you doing?" Roc asked as he watched Rhian text away on her phone.

"About to get to the bottom of this." Rhian replied.

(CeCe & Dominic)

"Cecilia!!" Dominic furiously screamed.

"What the hell are you screaming for?" Cece replied.

"Why the hell are you talking to her?" Dominic cursed.

"Who, you mean Rhian?" Cecilia asked, "That's my buddy. She's going out with Roc."

"For how long?"

"For umm, about seven or eight months now, she went him shortly after some douche bag broke her heart by cheating on her because she wouldn't have sex with him. Sad right? Well it's his lost, he must have been hella crazy to let her go, that girl is beautiful both inside and out, for many reasons I envy her."

Can't be, just can't be MY Rhian. Dominic thought as Cecilia kept on chattering.

"So, Baby, what we going to do for our two-year anniversary?"

"Huh?" Dominic asked.

(MB House)

"Yo, I'm up out of here." Ray Ray announced.

"Where you going?" Roc asked.

"To do something I got to do." Ray Ray replied.

"Well, I'm coming with you." Roc shrugged.

"Why?" Ray Ray asked, pausing in stride.

"Because, we like family, through thick and thin."

"I'm in." Princeton announced.

"Dido" Prodigy replied.

"I go whereever my baby goes." Gianna explained.

"Y'all ain't leaving my black ass in this house alone." Shay muttered.

At this comment, everyone rolled their eyes.

"You know I love you Ray Ray," Rhian added with the brightest, widest smile she could.

At this, Ray Ray couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, cool, let's go then." with this statement, Ray Ray threw open the door, and there Mishon stood.

"Uh uh, hell no, count me out, not getting in no got damn car with him." Princeton grunted, turning around.

"Babbby," Gianna chidded, nudging him, "Do it for Ray Ray." she whispered. The tensing of Princeton's stature was the only response that she got.

"Do it for me," she reasoned, "Please."

At this request, Princeton slumped his shoulders and sighed, "Fine."

(Nearly a Half An HourLater)

As they pulled up to a familiar house, Rhian's heart sunk.

"Why are we here?" she asked.

"This is where Cecilia and her boyfriend are?" she asked.

"Yeah, why?" Ray Ray asked.

"Wait, this has to be wrong, this can't be." she muttered.

Maybe he moved out. Rhian reasoned with herself.

"Baby, what happened?" Roc asked, pulling Rhian to him.

"How long have they been together?"

"Well appearantly, they've been tohether on-and-off for nearly two years." Ray Ray explained.

It all clicked now. All the excuses, all the calls, all the weird messages, all the rain checks for dates and "sick days"

Ray Ray jumped out of the car and knocked on the door. When the door swing open, Rhian growled.

Gianna, catching on first looked up, "Oh, damn," she groaned.

"You've got to be shitting me." Shay sung.

"What's going on?" Princeton asked, looking from girl to girl, expecting one to answer.

"That's Dominic." Rhian hissed.

"Huh?" Princeton asked

"That's my ex, Dominic."

"Which means that the girl that you saw him with was actually, Cecilia?" Princeton concluded.

"Affirmative," Rhian muttered through pursed lips.

With that open and in the air, Rhian pushed the door open and stomped her way over to where Dominic stood.

"You asshole!" she screamed.

(Tune Into The Next Chapter! Don't Forget To Gimme Some Feedback! Hope You Guys Enjoying My Story! Keep Up The Support & Love :] Peace Out For Now)

Love on the Rocs (a Mindless Behavior Love Story) Rated PG-13-RTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang