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Felicia's POV

"Dom is taking me to dinner tonight. I really think to nights the night. He's going to propose for sure tonight," I said to my best friend Neda.

"What makes you think that tonight's the night. Did he give you any hints," she asked?

"No, but his taking me to the most romantic restaurant tonight. Plus it's the restaurant that people gets proposed. So he wouldn't take me there unless it a proposal," I said getting ready for our date.

I'm going to be Mrs. San Angelo. I'm screaming for joy. It's about the time that his going to propose. If he didn't soon I was thinking of calling it quits. It's sad that I was going to throw away 4 years of my life.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go. I can't be late for the most important day of my life," I said grabbing my purse and keys.

"Wait a minute he's not picking you up," she asked?

Neda got up from the sofa and walked over to me. "I'm telling you his up to something. Since when did he stop picking you up for any dates? Do me a favor please call me if things get weird," she said.

"Yes, mum! Don't worry I'll be okay and Dom loves me. Wish me luck," I said walking out my house.

Pulling up to the restaurant 30 minutes later.

I didn't see his car in the parking lot. He must have had his driver drop him off or something. Shaking my head I walk into the restaurant. Walking to the hostess I give her my name. She walks me to the table and I sit down.

  "Mr. San Angelo will be with you soon. He called in and said he will be running late. Can I get you started with something to drink," she asked with a smile.

"Water be fine for right now," I said.

From behind her, I see to couples walking from the back area. They were fixing their clothes. I just smiled how sweet I thought to myself. That used to be Dom and me when we first started dating.

The guy looks up and my smile drops. It was my Dom with someone else. He looked at me in shock that he has been caught. Not wanting to start a drama in front of a bunch of people I grab my purse.

"Fe it's not what you think. I can explain," he said running to me.

I kept on walking like didn't hear him. Is he crazy! It's not what I think. Opening the door I exit out the restaurant and I wait for the Valet to return with my car.

"Please, baby don't leave like this. I can explain everything. Really she meant nothing to me," he said grabbing my hand.

"Please take your hands off me," I said.

He doesn't deserve to see how hurt I am. Why is this guy taking forever to come with my car?  He finally pulled up with my car. Handing me my keys I yanked my hand away from his grip.

"I gave you four years of my life and this is what I get. You invite me on this romantic date only for me to catch you cheating. Dom tell me how long has this been going on," I asked?

"Fe I'm so sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you," he said.

"Dom I thought tonight was going to be special and that you were going to propose. No, Dom, I don't need you to make it up to me. We are done," I said climbing into my car before driving away I looked at him his head was down.

"Fe I love you and won't lose you," he said.

"You did," was the last word I said to him.

Driving away I felt a tear rolling down. How could he do this to me? Did I mean nothing to him? All of the sudden my eyes were like a waterfall. I had to pull over to the side of the road because my eyes started to get blurry. Don't want to cause an accident or anything. I shut off my car and just sit there thinking.

My phone started to ring. It was the bastard himself. Didn't he already do damage? Did he want to hurt me more? I hit ignore on my phone. I really need to get away from all this. Go somewhere that he won't be. This means I can't go home or my store because those will be the first places he will check.

Picking up my phone I text Neda. I hope she doesn't ask any questions.

Me: Can you do me a favor?

Waiting for her response. I start to tap on the steering wheel. Damn where is she and why isn't she responding.

Neda: What kind of favor?

Me: Pack 2-3 large bags. One bag will be for my shoes, belts, makeup and other stuff. You know what I need. I'll meet you at the store. I'll tell what happened there.

Neda: Okay I'll meet you there in about 20 minutes.

20 minutes later

Neda showed up with all my bags in her car. She really showed up in 20 minutes. This girl is always early or on time.

"Thanks for bringing me my stuff," I said.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on," she asked?

"I should have listened to you not to trust him. The last four years was a lie," I said whipping my tear.

"You can come stay with me," she said.

"No! That's okay I just need a break from all this," I said.

"Let's book a flight out of here right. Do you have any plan in mind," she said.

"There's this small town outside of Denver. It's Beautiful and the weather is perfect over there now.

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