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Viktor's POV

We pull to the resort and it looked as beautiful as I remember it. I'm glad that all the upgrades worked perfectly.

"Please pull me up to the employees entrance. I have to be very discreet for my plan to work.  Your the only who knows who I am here," I said sending a message to my family letting them know that I'll be out of the country for a while.

"Does your parents know what your up to," Davidson asked.

"No, their the last people I would tell about this. What I'm doing is for me only and no one else. I'm trying to find who I am," I said.

"Okay just let me know if you need anything," he said pulling up to the employees entrance.

Grabbing my luggage I start to climb out and start to close the door.

"Before I forget Shaun is waiting for you in your office," he yelled.

What the heck is he doing here. I thought he wasn't going to be here until the morning. I walk to the door and push the buzzed.

"Can I help," said a female voice through the intercom.

"I was told to check in at the employee's entrance when my plane lands," I said.

"Can I have your name so I can confirm who your are,"  she said.

"My name is Alexi Petrovich. I was told to she Shaun when I get here," I said.

"Oh, let me buzz you in," she said with a change in her voice.

The poor girl sounded scared when I said Shaun's name.

I heard the door click. I opened and walked in.

"I'm sorry that it took me a long time to open the door. It's just if your an employee and don't have a badge yet we have to confirm that your suppose to be here," she said.

"That's okay I understand. Can you please direct me in the direction of his office please," I asked?

"Go to the end of this hall and make a left, half down you'll see an elevator which it will take you to his floor," said with a smile before walking away.

"Thank you," I said heading in direction she showed me.

I walk down the long hallway pissed off. He knew I didn't want him to show up her today. When I got to the resort I was supposed to check into my room since I already knew where my room which was located off the grounds.

I arrived it to the office and Shaun was sitting at my desk talking on the phone.

"What the heck are you doing here," I snapped.

"I just had to check up on you. It's my job to make sure you made it safe here. I can't be blamed if this all back fires," he said.

"First of all who would blame you if something went wrong," I asked.

"Your mum has never liked me. She said that I was the one who always got you in trouble growing up. Even though every trouble we got into was your idea and your fault," he said.

"I don't think she ever thought that of you," he said.

"I'm going to head to my room for some shut eye. I have to meet the maintenance supervisor in the morning," I said.

"I guess you don't want to go out for a few hours. There's this club that I want to check out. I've heard a lot of good things about it," he asked.

"You just got here and already heard about this club. I can't go out. If you forgotten I'm trying to stay low key," I said.

"Do you think people are going to notice who you are," he laughed.

"Fine I'll go only for a little while. I have to me the supervisor for maintenance tomorrow morning," I said.

"Before I forget I made you the supervisor. Your the one in charge," he said.

"Shaun why did you go and do that. You only had one job to do and you go and mess it up," I said slamming my fist on the desk.

"I thought I was doing you a favor," he said.

He got up from the desk and walked to the door.

"I'm sorry that I screwed up your life like always. The position will still be doing all the work," he said.

"What happened to the last supervisor. I hope you didn't fire him," I said.

"No! I didn't fire him. I sent him and his family on a month paid vacation. At first he didn't want to go because he was afraid of losing the months pay. So I paid him 10k," he said with a proud look.

"You know that a maintenance supervisor doesn't make 10K in a month," I said shaking my head.

"Oh well  it's done. I'm going to head to my room. There's a car here for you to drive while your here. Don't worry it's nothing flashy. You'll like the simple car," he said tossing me the keys.

"I guess I'll be driving to this place," I said catching the keys.

"I'm going head to my room to change. I'll meet you out front by the lobby at 8," he said.

"That's to early to head to a club," this guy is crazy I thought. Who in there right mind arrives at a club that early.

"No, there's this nice restaurant near by. I'm hungry and want to eat something before going out tonight," he said before walking out the door.

I just laughed his always hungry. I'm surprise that he doesn't gain weight.
Felicia's POV

"Neda I just got to the hotel. I'm going to relax and call you back," I said.

"No need I'll talk to you when I get there," she said hanging up the phone.

What is she talking about? She's not going be here for a few days as planned. I really hate when she changes things and thinks I'll be okay with it. I just wanted a few days to myself and know it's not going to happen.

"Hi my name is Felicia Pinto and I'm here to check in," I said giving my card and I.D to the girl at the front desk.

"Yes Ms. Pinto your room is ready. Here's your keys and I'll ring the bell man to help you with your luggage," she said handing me the key card.

Grabbing my luggage and key card from her.

"That's okay no need for the bell man. Can you please point me in the direction to my room," I asked.

She grabbed the map of the hotel and had direction to the room.

"Wait a minute the rooms aren't in the hotel," I asked looking confused.

"Sorry. It's only a small walk to the room. If you want I can still call the bell man," she asked.

"No that's okay I'll take the walk to my room. This will give me time to check out the area," I said with a smile.

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