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Viktor's POV

"Are you crazy! You're going to go undercover and be a Blue collar worker. Viktor you don't have to do this," he said.

"Shaun I can't stand my life. I'm tired of these fake people that only care about money. Life is a lot more than just money and stuff," I said walking out of my office.

"What if this back fires in your face and someone finds out who you are," he said.

"Don't I'll be like one of those undercover bosses that you see on TV. I have a disguise that no one will be able to tell it's me. I have this job lined up as a construction worker for one of my location. I need to hire me," I said.

"I'm going to be your boss. That's funny and you have to do everything I saw. Which will really be funny. I would like to see that," he started to laugh shake my head.

"I still think you're making a big mistake," he said slapping me on the back.

He may be right about this. I can't go back down now everyone thinks to go on an overdue vacation. This will be good for me a to get away from this stuck up money hungry people.

"Fine, I'll help you. What do you want me to do and when will we start this project," he asked?

"First I'll need a disguise to where no one will recognize me. Not no Superman or Clark Kent disguise," I said laughing.

"I would say color you're black and change your eye color for a starter. Something your parents won't even be able to recognize you," he said.

"Do you know anyone that can do this for me and keep their mouth shut about all this," I said.

"I have a person in mind and don't worry she'll keep her mouth shut if she knows what's good for her," he said.

I couldn't wait to start this new chapter in my life. This will be a good way for me to get away from crazy life.

"When will she be able to start," I asked heading the kitchen to grab some drinks.

"I just texted her and she's on her way. She said she has a few looks you can try on," he said.

"That's great," I said.
2hours later

The door bell rang and I was in the shower. Stepping out I hear voices. Throwing on some clothes I head to the living room.

"Viktor this is Tori and she'll do all the magic," he said pointing a the girl.

"Tori it's a pleasure to meet you," I said extending out a hand.

"Nice to meet you. So do you want to get started," she asked.

"Let's see what you have," I asked.

Pulling out a sketchbook and showing me the drawing she had. I looked at the pictures and they were good. She had before and after pictures and you couldn't tell that they were the same person.

"So let's get started," she said pushing me toward the back room.
45 minutes later

I come out looking like this.

"Dude you look like you've been lost on some island or a homeless guy," he said

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"Dude you look like you've been lost on some island or a homeless guy," he said.

"That's only the start. Now I have to go back in and change the hair color and trim. I going to make it a little darker. This way your family won't even recognize you," she said pushing me back toward the back room.

This little girl is so bossy.

"I'm little and bossy huh. You'll be sorry for that," she said.

"You heard that," I asked.

"No fool! I can read your lips in the mirror. I'm deaf and have a hearing aide to hear a little but I prefer to read lips," she said.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"For what you said or for me being deaf," she said.

"Both," I said.

"Don't worry I really don't like it when people feel sorry for me. That's one reason I don't tell them I'm deaf," she said continuing her work.

She pats my shoulder letting me know she's done. I turn and look at myself and I really couldn't recognize myself. This girl is really good. After thinking I head to back to the leaving room. I'm ready to get started on this. First, is finding a place to live which will fit mine knew to look. How am I going to find a place when I look like I don't have money to myself.

"Shaun I'll need you to get me a place to live. Nothing fancy. Just a one bedroom apartment," I said.

"There's nothing wrong with the place you have. Plus if you tell people that you're on vacation and you really don't have to leave," he said.

He's forgetting who my family is they won't stop coming by to make sure my place is okay. Especially my mum of all people.

This look is good. I'm digging this look. I can't even tell it's me. That girl really knows what she's doing.

Tomorrow will be a new day. I have to come up with a name for myself and make sure I don't forget who I am.

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