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Days have passed,weeks and three months.Hilal and Mustafa's love grow.He would give her lots of gifts.Dresses,jewelry,crowns.He knew that she is also a poetic soul just like him.So he also gave her a lot of books of greatest poets . And when they were together they would speak to each other most beautiful words.It was truly a fairytale . Wedding was getting closer and Hilal was preparing for it.
One day she got out in the garden to get some fresh air.
She was walking and saw how Dzanfeda kalfa was rushing to her.
"Princess,princess!"Dzanfeda yelled.
"What is it?"Hilal asked.
"Princess I don't know did anyone tell you this but Mahfiruze sultan is coming to palace with her son who is now 18 years old."
"When is she coming "
"Tomorrow princess"
"Ooh well we are going to give her a worm welcome,but why are you telling this to me shouldn't you tell this Halime sultan"
"Ah that snake of Melike probably already told Valide sultan "
"But who is Mahfiruze sultan"Hilal asked.
"Common to your chamber princess "
They came to Hilal's chamber.
"Princess sit down.Hilal took her coat and sit.
"MahFiruze was second wife of Sultan Murad.She gave birth to Şehzade Selim.But she wanted power,she wanted to put her son to the throne and did some terrible stuff.So In the deathbed Sultan Murad gave and order to kill Mahfiruze and to put Şehzade Selim in Edirne palace,but Selim begged his father to let him go with his mother in Edirne .He let him.Our sultan Mustafa called sultan Mahfiruze to come with her son after all it's his brother.So they are coming tomorrow "
Hilal just listened and thought why would you wanna do all those horrible things for only throne?
"How should I act tomorrow "Hilal asked.
"Like an Sultans Haseki wife even though that will happen in one week.And who knows maybe he called them because of your wedding day "
"Maybe,yes" In that minute Lucy came to the chamber.
"Princess Sultan has called you"Lucy said.
"He did"
"Princess maybe is because of their coming "Dzanfeda said.
Hilal just stood up and went to Mustafa's chamber.She always felt butterflies when she needed to go to him.Like it's the first time.
She went in and saw him standing behind his desk.She reached closer.He was looking at her with love in his eyes . She was wondering why did he call her in so unusual time.
"My moon,my angel,my sunshine,my queen,my love,my Hilal since we are getting married in one week I thought to give you something"She was looking wondering what that could be.He took her scarf and put around her eyes.Then he took one ring,it was an emerald green ring.He took the scarf and Hilal saw that gorgeous ring.She have never seen such a beautiful ring in her life.
"This ring was made by Sultan Suleyman,he gave it to his love Hurem sultan she was the first owner of the ring.Than ring was passed on Nurbanu sultan, and then to Safiye sultan after her death the ring was taken where Hurem Sultan was berried.Now it belongs to you."
He kissed her soft hands.Hilal was out of words she heard about the ring,but she could never imagine that she will be the owner of the ring.She is now the owner of Hurem Sultans emerald ring.
She hugged him.
"My Sultan of my soul,our love would be magnificent as it was for Hurem sultan and Sultan Suleyman.No one will stop us.With our love no one could dare us"

The day when Mahfiruze sultan and Şehzade Selim will arrive has come.They all prepared for that day.Mustafa has insisted that Hilal will stay next to him.She wore her most beautiful dress . She put a crown to mach her dress.She was absolutely beautiful that day.
"Princess they are waiting for us"Lucy said.
"Then we should go"Hilal replied.
They left marble pavilion and went to harem.When she got there everyone admired her beauty that day.But she didn't saw sultan there.In that moment Dzanfeda kalfa approached her.
"Princess you surely look splendid,but aren't you supposed to be with Sultan?"
"I am but I don't know where he is"Hilal said.
"Oh well wife of sultan and the sultan himself are always welcoming in Sultans chambers"
"Oh really "Hilal asked.
"Yes"Dzanfeda replied.
Hilal went with Lucy rashly to the chamber of Sultan.When she was there she entered in.God thing was that neither Mahfiruze sultan or Şehzade Selim were here."Good I didn't late"
"Hilal my angel why didn't you came a bit earlier,they will be here any minute "Mustafa said.
"My Mustafa I thought that you were in harem"Hilal smiled while she was saying that.
"Hahaha you surely made my day Hilalim"Mustafa laughed.
"What it's not my fault your rules are too complicate.Dont do this,don't do that,I can barely catch up with all of them"She laughed.In that moment an servant came.
"My master they are waiting to come inside "
"Let the in"Mustafa ordered.
Hilal was so excited she hold Mustafa's hand.He nodded in the way that everything is going to be ok.
In chamber a women with dark brown hair entered.She was old but not too much.Behind her there was a boy,a men who was shavedHe was not bold but he was shaved.And he really reminded of Mustafa.
Mahfiruze first kissed hand of Sultan Mustafa.
"Thank you master for calling us.It is a gift to be called for your wedding day"Mahfiruze said.Mustafa just nodded.Then Mahfiruze came to Hilal.
"Princess we surely didn't see such a beauty in the palace.You are going to be wonderful sultan"
"Thank you"Hilal said.
Then Selim took a hand of his brother and kissed.
"My brother I missed you so much " Selim said.
"Me too my brother,me too"Mustafa replied.
Than Selim came to Hilal.When he saw her he felt like thousands of butterflies were flying in his stomach.He never seen such a beauty or even courage in her .He looked down deep in her blue eyes that he immediately fall in love .
"My princess I have never seen a beautiful girl like you,you have mast fall from sky."He kisses her hand while he was looking deep in her eyes.
Hilal felt awkward,because the only men she loved was Mustafa,she didn't wanna gave Selim fake hope.
"Thank you Şehzade Selim"
Mustafa who did see how Selim is looking Hilal,took Hilal to her wrist.
"So we should sit"Mustafa said.
They all sit down in the terrace.Hilal was sitting next to Mustafa.
"So the wedding is in two days.Aren't you exited Princess Hilal"Mahfiruze asked.
"Yes I am,actually we all are, everything is happening so fast"Hilal answered.
"Yes my future wife and i are meant to be" Mustafa said that and took Hilal's hand.
Selim was just looking at Hilal all the time.Mahfiruze sultan noticed that.
"Well we are really tired we should go to get some rest "Mahfiruze said.
"Of course "Mustafa replied.
Mahfiruze and Selim stood up and went to their chambers.
When they arrived Mahfiruze started a talk with Selim.
"I saw how you looked at her.She is future Sultans wife!You can't even think of some felling' s for her!Do you know that they could kill you for that!"
"I do and don't worry I will hide those feelings"
Selim was really attracted to Hilal,but for his sake he had to bury those feelings.

The wedding day has arrived.Outside in the city everyone celebrated.But this time Hilal will tomorrow meet some of the pashas and vezirs.
Tonight will be a celebration and they will spread their first night as husband and wife.
Hilal was ready and it was already a night.
She got outside of her chamber while Lucy was following her.She walked happily and confident.She was happy that she is getting married to a man she loves,but also she will now have the power to stand in front of Halime sultan.You could see good that Halime didn't like Hilal and other wise.Hilal was walking down the hallways,her life is now going to change again,she will become sultan,Haseki Sultan.A first wife of Sultan Mustafa.She would not let any girl to go near him.She only needs to give birth to a child.She was walking and she stopped because she was in harem.She saw how Halime and Dilruba are looking her and waiting for her to come.She saw girls who danced immediately stoped because she came,she could hear girls saying:"She looks beautiful " " Im so jealous "...
She walked down to her sofa where she had to sit. She nodded with her head to Halime and Dilruba.Halime saw that Hilal is wearing a ring,she got mad didn't wanna say anything.The music again stopped,prince Selim entered the room.Everyone looked at him because he was also dashing as his brother.He as a brother of Sultan brought his gift to Hilal.
When he saw her he again felt those butterflies in stomach.He gave her an necklace with blue diamonds.He took and put it to her neck.He felt the smell of her skin and couldn't resist but had to. He then took a bow and kissed her in the forehead.He went back to Mustafa's chamber.
Party began again .Halime noticed how he was looking at her.She felt suspicious.
The party was going well,when it was midnight Hilal went to Sultans chamber.She was walking with happiness.
She entered his room.And got closer.He was looking at her with full of love and desire.
"My beautiful angel,I have never even dreamed that this could happen to me.My moon you are now my life,my everything,my wife.You are now my Sultana of my heart.He took the vail and kissed her first in forehead than he gently went to her lips.Their kiss was soft and passionate. He then took all of her clothes. He took her in his arms and lay down her on his bed.He started kissing her face than her all body.He wanted to remember her smell . He felt like he was in heaven. Hilal let herself go in his arms.They spent a beautiful night under the moonlight.
My Love,My Moon,My Sunshine,My Sultan of my heart,My Angel.How could I ever know that I will fall deep in our love,how could I know that god sent me one angel.Not any poet can't describe our love.Our love is untouchable,it is a masterpiece.Angels are singing to us.I can't even choose proper words to describe you,my feelings.You occupied my heart,just like that.With one look,one touch,one smell I have felt like I never felt before.You are my Hilalim,My Heart.
My Orange,My Sunshine,My Heaven,My Moonlight.I love you,and I will always only love you till I die.
My Hilal.

Hilal woke up .She still couldn't believe that she is now a Haseki Sultan.It was just a beginning of her time.She will do some actions.She is now the first wife of Sultan.Theres one thing left to produce a child.
She went to the terrace.She put her hands on fence.And looked into the Istanbul.
"I am Hilal.Haseki Hilal Sultan."
"What is harem I will rule the world!"

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