~O.C.'s (Original Characters)~

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Ok, one of the major things that makes me mad are the O.C.'s... Now I'm not saying all O.C.'s are bad, just certain ones. Here are some examples...

1.) O.C.'s who are the most powerful person in the Naruto world and possibly the whole universe.

Seriously, a 12 year old girl shouldn't be stronger than Kakashi, or any other powerful shinobi. (If you are writing a DBZ and Naruto mash up fan fic and the girl is a saiyan, that is an exception) Other than that, the girl should not be that strong.

The only person I can think of that was maybe that strong, is Itachi, but he probably wasn't even that good. Now if the girl is not a professional ninja, and a pretty young age, she should not be able to face Madara and beat him without breaking a sweat. If she does, you should think about dialing down her strength and power a bit. (Again, unless she's saiyan)

2.) O.C.'s who have all the kekkei genkai's known to the Naruto World.

If your O.C. Has all the kekkei genkai's known to the Naruto World, no offense but I kinda laugh at that... For one it is impossible for that to happen and two it ties along with #1. Alright, I say it is impossible because only one eye can have one kekkei genkai and most people have two eyes. Unless your character is a mutant and has enough eyes for that, that is impossible.

Now if your character had exchanged both eyes for two different kekkei genkai's or originally had one and exchanged one eye for a different kekkei genkai, I am alright with that. What I really like is when authors come up with their own and original kekkei genkai. It shows the creativity of the author, and I find it interesting, but to have all of the kekkei genkai... Just no... Just... Don't...

3.) O.C.'s who are the smartest people ever, (Not apart of the Nara clan).

Alright, if your O.C. Is a legendary sānin, or some sort of ninja sensei who has read a lot of ninja scrolls, or just read a lot of scrolls and have lots of experience, or even is a member of the Nara clan that is alright, but if the character is a young teen who isn't a Nara, then no. Even Shikimaru Nara doesn't know everything... (In case you didn't know, Shikimaru is one of the smartest ninjas in Naruto along with Lord Orochimaru, Kabuto, and Itachi)

4.) O.C.'s that some how make Sasuke act way out of character.

Ok, if the girl makes Sasuke act a bit out of character like he acts suspicious or makes her think he smiled at her but she isn't sure (Small things like that), that i find acceptable but if she makes him so happy and makes him smile 24/7 and makes him feel pervy throughout the whole book... all I can say is, do you even know Sasuke, or have you only seen pictures?

Sasuke is mad at the world and isn't really happy, he is either emotionless like Sai or pissed off... Not really happy. If your girl some how finds a good way to make Sasuke change, and after time makes him happy I am ok with that but if she meets him for the first time and a split second later he is completely different for the rest of the book... You don't know Sasuke enough to write about him.

5.) O.C.'s who's back story is basically the same as Sasuke's, Gaara's, or Naruto's.

Your character doesn't have to have the same childhood as their crush or lover. For example, the girl's clan was killed by a sibling and the girl some how ends up loving Sasuke, or the girl's father was abusive and made her kill her mother (or vise versa) and is a blood thirsty killer until she meets someone (mostly Naruto) who changes her and she is some how in love with Gaara, or lastly, a girl who has a tailed beast inside of her (what ticks me off is if the nine tails is in the girl too when Naruto also has the Nine tails as well.) and their family mysteriously died, and the girl is an orphan and falls in love with Naruto.

Try and come up with your own back story, or maybe have the O.C. have a normal family that loves them. There are ninjas in Naruto who have a perfectly happy family.

6.) O.C.'s That have all the guys drool over her, and all the girls despise her.

Your O.C. Isn't fricken Aphrodite! Now Sasuke, Naruto, Gaara, Shikimaru, and all the other ninja guys can't all love your character... Two or three maybe... But not every single one of them. It is impossible for every man in the world to all love the same girl... It just isn't logical. I think the most guys to love one girl should be three but that is the limit. No more! NONE!!! Heck if I fall in love with someone and someone else loves them I back off... Not plot their doom and the death of their family and loved ones.

And don't make every girl despise the O.C. or extremely jealous. Maybe a few, but not every single one of them! Maybe if your character was an outcast like Naruto or Gaara, that is alright, but if she is just normal or all the guys like her... Don't do that. I mean come on, Sakura and Ino at least tries to get to know a person before judging them (except Naruto) and Ten Ten is a nice person... And if you make Hinata hate you... You must of killed Naruto, or her clan, or just fucked up big time, and if Hinata hates you all I can say is, How dare you...

7.) The perfect O.C.'s.

I hate it when an O.C. Has the most perfect body, or no flaw at all. I mean can't you at least give your O.C., A.D.D. or make her have some eating disorder or some type of disorder or disease? I mean? The character isn't God! And what is up with O.C.'s always having size D boobs? Not all 16 year olds are like that. Some are flat chested you know. And maybe make your O.C. not the most popular person, but don't make them neglected.

Now back to the body thing. An O.C. Can be very skinny or very big. It isn't a crime. Not everyone has a swim suit model body, or the complexion of a famous person. People have flaws, it is just how we are. It is just what we are. We are only human... Unless your saiyan. But that isn't any different!

Those are all the O.C. rants and complaints I can think of for now... Hope it helped, and again if I offended you, I'm sorry... I'm just giving constructive criticism.

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