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Now another thing that makes me cringe when reading any fan fic is incorrect grammar. (Unless it's intentional for comedy) Here are some examples of what I mean...

1.) Not writing in paragraph form.

Please, separate your paragraphs! Don't just keep writing sentence after sentence without any seperation. Hint: a paragraph consists of 4-6 sentences or ends when someone stops talking, and starts a new, I repeat new paragraph when a different person begins to speak... Not over 9,000 different sentences, and keep 100 different conversations in one whole paragraph alone.

One gigantic paragraph is confusing for readers (especially for people who have dyslexia), readers lose their spot easily, it makes it hard to realize who is talking (especially if you don't use names or specify the person speaking), and readers get intimidated by these large paragraphs. Find ways to shorten paragraphs. It also wouldn't hurt to space between paragraphs, but don't space like five times between paragraphs. 1-2 should be your limit.

You don't want a billion pages per chapter, but you don't want just half a page either. Correct spacing, and paragraph formation can lengthen your story, and make it easier for people to read.

2.) Not specifying who is speaking.

I can't even finish reading books like this. It is impossible to know what is going on. You can't have one paragraph with three different people speaking, and not specifying who is saying what, it is too confusing. We are not the authors, we have no clue who is talking. Here is an example:

I sat by the table with Naruto and Lee. "Hi" I said. "how are you?" He said back. "Nice weather." "Sure is and I'm good, thank you!" "Want to train together, we were just going to go. And you can join us." He stood up and smiled. "Sure!" We then left to go train.

I know I over exaggerated, but it is to prove my point. You don't know who is speaking. Is Naruto speaking or Lee? I don't fricken know! And who was the one guy gonna train with originally? It could of been the person telling the story and they were asking either Lee or Naruto to join them? We don't know. Here is how you can clear it up and make it better.

I sat by the table with Naruto and Lee. "Hi." I said.

"How are you?" Naruto asked.

"Nice weather." Lee added

"Sure is! And I'm doing good thank you!" I answered.

"Want to train with us, we were just going to go, and you can join us." Lee asked and stood up with a huge grin.

"Sure!" I replied, and left with them to train.

Isn't that better? You know who is speaking, and it is clear to read. Writing like that makes it easier and more fun to read. You also extended your story by at least four or five more lines. You get more readers, and your readers enjoy the story more.

3.) Not capitalizing, incorrect spelling, No punctuation, ect.

At least use some correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, ect. I understand autocorrect can ruin these things, and maybe you accidentally misspelled something, little things like that, but to constantly do these non stop is annoying. If you don't use any punctuation you have one large sentence, not capitalizing letters makes it worse, and readers don't know where the sentence ends and if it's a proper noun, and misspelling is confusing to read. Here is an example of bad grammar:

how are you I asked naruto i was so nervus i couldnt speke normle my hart was pownding agenst my chest and i feered he could here it i wanted to tel him how much i luved him but it was imposible

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