~Out of Character~

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I really hate it when someone makes a Naruto character act... Well... Out of character! Here are certain things to avoid and how to improve it.

1.) Sasuke

Sasuke is the main person people tend to mess up the most. He isn't a good guy, and he isn't Naruto's friend. Sasuke also is never happy. He is always emotionless unless he is pissed off. Sasuke doesn't smile unless it is menacing. Usually if Sasuke smiles, you should get the fuck out, because he is plotting your death at that very moment, not of how long to kiss you,and what you two will do on a date. If you make him gradually change, I am ok with that, but if you change him right away you are doing it all wrong.

To make Sasuke in character, you make him mad all the time, or to not feel anything at all, or maybe even frustration and sorrow. Make him nicer gradually, but not a split second later. And for the record Sasuke is not what you call "emo", so unless someone is teasing him,don't call him a fricken emo. He is just a teenage boy who is mad at the world and has a vendetta with his older brother Itachi... Make him like that, not a person who does self harm (I'm not being mean to people who do self harm or are emo, I'm just saying Sasuke isn't like that.)

2.) Naruto

Naruto is not a total dumb ass and the dumbest person on the planet. He does know some things. The kid came up with the sexy jutsu and made his own attack, the rasenshurikan for the love of god! Naruto can be stupid at times, but don't make him retarded. He is a smart guy, not Shikimaru smart, but still smart. If Naruto is sad, don't make him cry like a baby, make him sulk, unless he is in deep depression.

Also, Naruto doesn't act like a cocky and arigent bitch. He shows the people what he can do by kicking their ass, or trying to at least. What I'm saying is Naruto doesn't boast about how he is stronger and better, he tries to attack the opponent and gives his all... Not talk smack the whole time.

3.) Gaara

Ok, Kazekage Gaara is maybe the most mature character of Naruto. Making him childish and immature is the worst thing you can do. Gaara tries to get his work done, and is a great Kazekage. Don't make him bad at his job or make him a slacker, because he is not. Gaara doesn't pull pranks on people, he is too mature for that.

For 12 year old Gaara, you make him a brutal killer and crazy psycho path... Not a childish demon who loves to play games and pull pranks on his siblings. He might fight with them, argue, and maybe kill other people... But not pull pranks or play games like tag. He is 12, not 6.

4.) Jiraiya (A.K.A. Pervy Sage)

Jiraiya may be a perv, but he isn't so pervy that he acts like he's a sex craved freak. He also is a great teacher, knowing a lot of things through past experience. Don't make it seem like he taught Naruto nothing during those three years of training because he did help Naruto... A lot! And don't make it seem like he is stupid too! He was one of the legendary sānin after all!

Make him pervy, but don't make him get some woman pregnant. And have him write one of his stories every once in a while. And don't forget to have him do a bit of research. (Please, don't add too much detail)

5.) Kakashi

Kakashi should be very late. Not three minutes late, more like three hours late. He is known for being extremely late, not being fashionably late! And make him read a book once in a while. He reads more in the show than he does fight! I know that isn't true, but you get the idea... He reads quite a bit. In most fan fics, people don't depict him reading anything and it makes me mad.

Making Kakashi reading a book every once in a while makes him seem more in character, and making him extremely late is even better. And if you make him a bit strict and a bit funny, you made him perfectly in character.

6.) Sakura

Some people make Sakura seem like the spawn of Satan. I understand she has anger issues, but you don't have to go and make her seem like a demon. And don't make her so useless if you write about Naruto Shippuden. She is helpful in Shippuden you know. People always make their character hate Sakura, so for a change, make your character be friends with her. She can be a friendly person.

Also, make Sakura act friendly a bit. She isn't mean to people right away. She gets to know the person first before she determines whether she hates them or not. AND DONT MAKE HER SO FRICKEN WEAK!!! SHE ISNT YAMCHA!

7.) Might Gai

Might Gai is not gay. He may wear that weird green suit and make weird poses, but I don't think that means he is gay. He also is a good fighter too. He did train Lee very well I think. And have Gai act a little competitive with Kakashi. The two are rivals, if you are going to include Gai in your story, you can at least add that maybe.

Gai is also a little cocky, so you can make him cocky a bit but don't make him a total ass. The last thing people need is Gai always being so arigent. And don't make him sell his suits to everyone. He is not a fricken business man.

8.) Rock Lee

Rock Lee isn't some weird boy who is obsessed with Gaara, so please don't make him obsessed with Gaara... Please... And Lee is a good fighter along with Naruto. In fact, he used to be stronger than Sasuke and Naruto. Don't forget that Lee is extremely fast. Some people tend to forget that. He also has a lot of perseverance so don't make him give up... He would die before giving up.

Make Lee fight without giving up or without underestimating himself. And maybe even make him use drunkin fist. He tends to use that sometimes. Don't forget to make him a bit faster too.

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