~Sucked into the Naruto World Fan Fics~

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Ok some of these just drive me insane... The "sucked into the Naruto world" fan fics. They are normally so confusing, and make no sense how the character got in the Naruto world in the first place.

1.) Getting sucked in via computer.

I don't even now how it is possible but apparently you can go to the Naruto world by your computer screen - which was on a Naruto related website, or google search - begins flickering for no absolute reason and some how that turns your computer into a portal to Konoha. If that were true, I would of made my computer into a portal a long time ago and I wouldn't be writing this. I understand it is just a fan fic, but at least make it logical. Computers don't eat people and shit them out in an anime world... I wish they did, but they don't.

So stop with the getting sucked in from the computer flashing and suddenly teleporting to Konoha, or Suna, or anywhere in the Naruto world. It doesn't make fricken sense!

2.) Getting sucked in via cell phone, or any hand held device.

This is just as bad as the computer. The same shit happens except you are playing a Naruto game or app. Remember, you go from reality to anime. I don't think electronics can do that. It starts with the Naruto related stuff, and then the screens flicker, and then you teleport to the Naruto world...

3.) Getting sucked in via the television set.

Another one is getting sucked into the Naruto world by watching Naruto on your tv and then the same sequence follows just like the computer and other electrical devices... What's next? I get sucked in by my refrigerator and end up in Choji's house? Maybe a giant snake eats me and shits me out in Orochimaru's hideout? Or perhaps I fall face first in a bowl of ramen and end up face to face with Naruto with me sitting in his ramen. The point is... These make no sense, and are pretty bad ideas. I'm sorry but they are.

4.) Sleeping and Waking up in the Naruto world.

Yeah, this is known as dreaming! You sleep and images pop in you head! Duh! This is much better than the last three, but these are sad stories, because you usually end up waking up at the end finding out it was just a dream and you wake up in the terrible world you live in known as reality. It sucks. I know, just fall asleep again! It will make a great sequel! Point is, if you wanna make readers cry this is the way to go. Or if you wanna make readers feel bad for living in reality you might just get an award.

5.) Dying and going to Naruto heaven.

This one is one of the best since no one knows what happens when you die. Can you choose what kind of eternal life you live? Possibly, but the thing is, a lot of strong Christians might get mad. (I am Christian don't get me wrong) The thing is, you aren't supposed to feel pain in heaven and what kind of plot would that be? You can't die, and you can decide who loves you or not so there is not much of a mysterious love story in it either. You can just see Naruto walk by and introduce yourself and say, "I love you" and it being heaven he could say the same and you two could just spend eternity holding hands... I don't know about you but that doesn't sound like a good story. Cute... But not interesting...

6.) Bringing modern day electronics with to the Naruto world.

This really drives me insane. You are teleported into the Naruto world with your iPhone and some how when you are in Konoha, you get perfect wifi and signal. I am pretty sure they don't have wifi in the Naruto world, and I don't think they have signal for cellphones... Hell, I don't think they even have cellphones? Besides, if you did have your IPhone, I don't think your call would carry back to reality, and who the hell would you call in the Naruto world? NO ONE HAS A FRICKEN CELL PHONE! And I highly doubt you would know the phone numbers of anyone's landline there.

I also hate when someone has a D.S. Or some portable game device like that. Just what the hell are you gonna do with it? Play it the whole time you're there? I have only one thing to say to that, GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND DO SOME NINJA SHIT!!! YOU ARE IN THE WORLD OF NARUTO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! IF YOU LOVE THE SHOW, YOU SHOULD TRY TO FIT IN, NOT BE THE WEIRD FREAKY PERSON WHO HAS GADGETS FROM THE FUTURE THAT IS ALWAYS ON THEM!!! HELP GET SASUKE BACK, OR TRAIN WITH NARUTO, OR AT LEAST TRY TO BECOME A NINJA LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!!

7.) Sucked into the Naruto world and I'm in Sakura's/Ino's/Hinata's ect. Body!

These are the worst sucked in stories. How the hell do you leave your body and become someone else? Unless you are the spawn of Orochimaru, (which I highly doubt) you shouldn't be able to do that. One, it isn't logical, and two it is physically impossible. You can't just enter the body of someone else, at least that I know of. Please, don't write anything like this. It makes no sense. Make your own O.C. at least, I would prefer that than you becoming Sakura or some other girl that isn't you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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